Melanie Colet Lagrille

Melanie Colet Lagrille, Profesora Asistente en el Departamento de Ingeniería Química, Biotecnología y Materiales de la Universidad de Chile, fundadora y actual líder del Grupo de Ingeniería Electroquímica (GIE).
Melanie obtuvo su Ph.D. (in Chemical Engineering Research) en Imperial College London el año 2013, en base a su investigación en celdas de combustible de aire-carbón con ánodos de estaño fundido, bajo la tutela del Dr. Geoff Kelsall. Luego de obtener el grado de doctor, regresó a Chile donde comenzó su carrera como académica en la Facultad de Ciencias Físicas y Matemáticas de la Universidad de Chile.
Previamente había obtenido el título de Ingeniera Civil Química y el grado de Magister en Ciencias de la Ingeniería, mención Metalurgia Extractiva, en la Universidad de Chile (2009).
Sus principales áreas de interés son: celdas de combustible, procesos fotoelectroquímicos, tratamiento de aguas residuales, hidrometalurgia y electrometalurgia.
Publicaciones recientes:
- M. Colet-Lagrille, S. González-Poggini, C. Salazar-Espinoza, B. Sánchez, Gas Diffusion Electrodes (GDEs) for Carbon Dioxide (CO 2 ) Reduction in Microfluidic Cells: Towards a Fluid Dynamics Assisted Rational Design, J. Electrochem. Soc. , 171, 044502, 2024.
- S. González-Poggini, B. Sánchez, A. Sheppard, D. J. Fermin, M. Colet-Lagrille, Partial Substitution of Cu Sites by Mg for the Improvement of CuWO 4 Photoanodes Performance, ACS Appl. Energy Mater. , 7, 2622–2632, 2024.
- I. Díaz, M. Colet-Lagrille, Physical-Chemical Processes at Mo-doped Ceria-Yttria Stabilized Zirconia (YSZ) Anodes in Solid Oxide Fuel Cells using Syngas Derived by the Distribution of Relaxation Times Method, Electrochim. Acta , 467, 143083, 2023.
- S. González-Poggini, B. Sánchez, M. Colet-Lagrille, Enhanced Photoelectrochemical Activity of CuWO 4 Photoanode by Yttrium Doping, J. Electrochem. Soc. , 170, 066512, 2023.
- G. Valenzuela-Venegas, D. Peña-Torres, F. Lizama-Valenzuela, M. Colet-Lagrille, Global warming impact of electric city buses in Chile: Critical stages of their fabrication and use, Comput. Aided Chem. Eng., 51 223-228, 2022.
- S. Gonzalez-Poggini, A. Rosenkranz, M. Colet-Lagrille, Two-Dimensional Nanomaterials for the Removal of Pharmaceuticals from Wastewater: A Critical Review, Processes, 9(12) 2160, 2021.
- S. Gonzalez-Poggini, G. Luque, W. Kracht, M. Rudolph, M. Colet-Lagrille, Electrochemical Characterization of Sulfide Minerals-Halophilic Bacteria Surface Interaction for Bioflotation Applications, Metall. Mater. Trans. B, 52(3)3373-3382, 2021.
- R. Shah, B. Gashi, S. Gonzalez-Poggini, M. Colet-Lagrille, A. Rosenkranz, Recent Trends in Batteries and Lubricants for Electric Vehicles, Advances in Mechanical Engineering, 13(5) 1-10, 2021.
- S. Gonzalez-Poggini, A. Rosenkranz, B. Wang, S.Hevia, J.Yu, M. Colet-Lagrille, Effects of Ti3C2T3 nano-sheets (MXenes) on the microstructural and electrochemical properties of SnO2/Ti anodes, Int. J. Electrochem. Sci., 16(5), 2021.
- I. Diaz-Aburto, J. Hidalgo, E. Fuentes-Mendoza, S. Gonzalez-Poggini, H. Estay, M. Colet-Lagrille, Mo,Cu-doped CeO2 as Anode Material of Solid Oxide Fuel Cells (SOFCs) using Syngas as Fuel, J. Electrochem. Sci. Technol.,12(2) 246-256, 2021.
- I. Díaz-Aburto, F. Gracia, M. Colet-Lagrille, Mo-doped CeO2 Synthesized by the Combustion Method for Carbon-Air Solid Oxide Fuel Cell (CA-SOFC) Applications, Fuel Cells, 19(2) 147, 2019.
- J. Morales-Santelices, M. Colet-Lagrille*, M. Garcia-Garcia, Speciation model of the Mo(VI)-Ni(II)-citrate-S(VI)-N(III) aqueous system for the study of the electrodeposition of molybdenum and nickel oxides films, Journal of The Electrochemical Society, 165(9) 344-353, 2018.
- I. Díaz-Aburto, M. Colet-Lagrille*, A. Akbari-Fakhrabadi, F. Gracia, Synthesis of Mo-doped CeO2 by the combustion method for carbon-air fuel cells applications: Study of composition, crystalline structure and mechanical properties, ECS Transactions, 78(1) 1427-1435, 2017.
- M.E. Wagner, R. Valenzuela, T. Vargas, M. Colet-Lagrille, A. Allanore*, Copper electrodeposition kinetics measured by alternating current voltammetry and the role of ferrous species, Journal of the Electrochemical Society, 163(2) D17-D23, 2016.
- J. Hidalgo, M. Colet-Lagrille, A. Mukasyan, V.M. Fuenzalida, T. Vargas*, Synthesis of nanostructured zirconia by anodization at low potentials, Crystal Research and Technology, 50(11) 879-883, 2015.
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