Pablo A. Estévez, Ph. D

International Journals

[RI1] Estévez, P.A., Held, C.M., Perez, C.A., "Subscription Fraud Prevention in Telecommunications Using Fuzzy Rules and Neural Networks", Expert Systems with Applications, Vol. 31, No. 2, 2006, (in press).

[RI2] Estévez, P.A., Figueroa, C.J., Saito, K., "Cross-entropy Embedding of High-Dimensional Data Using the Neural Gas Model", Neural Networks, Vol. 18, pp. 727-737, 2005.

[RI3] Estévez, P.A., Becerra-Yoma, N., Boric, N., Ramírez, J.A, "Genetic Programming-based Voice Activity Detection ", Electronics Letters, 2005 (in press).

[RI4] Perez, C.A., Lazcano V.A., Estévez, P.A., "Real-time Iris Detection on Coronal Axis Rotated Faces", IEEE Transaction on Systems, Man, & Cybernetics, Part C, 2005, (in press).

[RI5] Ruz, G.A., Estévez, P.A., Perez, C.A., "A Neurofuzzy Color Image Segmentation Method for Wood Surface Defect Detection", Forest Products Journal, Vol. 55, N° 4, April 2005, pp. 52-58.

[RI6] Estévez, P.A., Perez, C., Goles, E., "Genetic Input Selection to a Neural Classifier for Defect Classification of Radiata Pine Boards", Forest Products Journal, Vol. 53, N° 7/8, July/August 2003, pp. 87-94.

[RI7] Estévez, P.A., Okabe, Y., "On the Computational Power of Max-Min Propagation Neural Networks", Neural Processing Letters, 2004, Vol. 19, pp. 11-23.

[RI8] Estévez, P.A., Paugam-Moisy, H., Puzenat, D. and Ugarte, M., "A Scalable Parallel Algorithm for Training a Hierarchical Mixture of Neural Experts", Parallel Computing, Vol. 28, June 2002, pp. 861-891.

[RI9] Estévez, P.A., Held, C., Holzmann, C., Perez, C., Pérez, J.P., Heiss, J., Garrido, M. and Peirano, P., "Polysomnograhic Pattern Recognition for Automated Classification of Sleep-Waking States in Infants", Medical & Biological Engineering & Computing, Vol. 40, January 2002, pp. 105-113.

[RI10] Perez, C.A., Salinas, C.A., Estévez, P.A., Valenzuela, P.M., "Genetic Design of Biologically Inspired Receptive Fields for Neural Pattern Recognition", IEEE Trans. on System, Man and Cybernetics Part B, Vol. 33, No. 2, April 2003, pp. 258-270.

[RI11] Perez, C.A., Santibańez, A.J, Holzmann, C.A., Estévez, P.A., Held, C.M.., "Power Requirements for Vibrotactile Piezo-electric and Electromechanical Transducers", Medical & Biological Engineering & Computing, Vol. 41, November 2003, pp. 718-726.

[RI12] Heiss, J.E., Held, C.M., Estévez, P.A., Perez, C.A., Holzmann, C.A., and Pérez, J.P., "Classification of Sleep-Stages in Infants: A Neurofuzzy Approach", IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Magazine, Vol. 21, No. 5, September/October 2002, pp. 147-151.

[RI13] Goles, E., Matamala, M. and Estévez, P.A. "Dynamical Properties of Min-Max Networks", International Journal of Neural Systems, Vol. 10, No. 6, December 2000, pp. 467-473.

[RI14] Holzmann, C, Hasseldieck, U., Rosselot, E., Estévez, P.A. and Andrade, A., "Interpretation Module for Screening Normal ECG", Medical Progress through Technology, 1990, Vol. 16, pp. 163-171.

[RI15] Kandora, H., Vera, M., Holzmann, C., Estévez, P., Ortiz, M., Aramburu, I. and Rosselot, E., "Haz de His: Registro no Invasivo de su Actividad Eléctrica", Revista Médica de Chile, 1988, Vol. 116, pp. 913-917.


Book Chapters

[B1] Estévez, P., "Combination of Neural Networks and Genetic Algorithms for Classification and Prediction Tasks", in Novel Intelligent Automation and Control Systems, J. Pfeiffer (editor), Papierflieger, Clausthal-Zellerfeld, 1998, pp. 97-104.


National Journals (In Spanish)

[RN1] Estévez, P. y Fernández, M., "Mixtura de Expertos Neuronales para Tareas de Predicción y Clasificación", Anales del Instituto de Ingenieros de Chile, Vol. 113, Nş 3, Diciembre 2001, pp. 95-103.

[RN2] Estévez, P. y Achermann, C., "Visualización de Datos Mediante el Mapa Auto-Organizativo de Kohonen y Análisis de Componentes Principales", Anales del Instituto de Ingenieros de Chile, Vol. 112, Nş 3, Diciembre 2000, pp. 87-97.

[RN3] Estévez, P., "Selección de Características para Clasificadores Neuronales", Anales del Instituto de Ingenieros de Chile, Vol. 111, Nş 3, Diciembre 1999, pp. 65-74.

[RN4] Estévez, P., "Clasificación de Patrones mediante Redes Neuronales Artificiales", Anales del Instituto de Ingenieros de Chile, Vol. 111, Nş 1, Abril 1999, pp. 24-31.

[RN5] Estévez, P., "Optimización Mediante Algoritmos Genéticos", Anales del Instituto de Ingenieros de Chile, Vol. 109, Nş 2, Agosto 1997, pp. 83-92.


International Conferences

[CI1] Estévez, P.A., Ruz, G.A, and Pérez, C.A., "Fuzzy Min-Max Neural Network for Image Segmentation", CVPRIP'2003, International Conference on Computer Vision, Pattern Recognition and Image Processing, Cary, North Carolina, Sept. 2003, pp. 655-659.

[CI2] Perez, C.A., Lazcano V., Estévez, P.A., Held C.M., "Real Time Iris Detection on Rotated Faces", Optomechatronics Systems IV, Proceedings of the SPIE, Vol. 5264, Providence, Rhode Island, USA, 28-29 October, 2003, pp.42-53.

[CI3] Perez, C.A., Holzmann, C.A., Held, C.A. and Estévez, P.A., "Real Time Eye Gaze Operated Keyboard", World Congress on Medical Physics and Biomedical Engineering, Sydney, Australia, Aug. 24-29, 2003.

[CI4] Heiss, J., Held, C., Estévez, P., Holzmann, C., Pérez, C. and Pérez, J.P., "Classification of Sleep-Waking States in Infants: A Neuro-fuzzy Approach", 23rd International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology, Istanbul, Turkey, Oct. 2001. (This article won second-place in the 2001 IEEE EMBS Student Paper Competition).

[CI5] Perez, C.A., Salinas, C.A., Estévez, P., "Designing Biologically Inspired Receptive Fields for Neural Pattern Recognition Technology", 2001 IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man and Cybernetics, Tucson, Arizona, USA, Oct. 2001, pp. 58-63.

[CI6] Estévez, P., Fernández, M., Held, C., Holzmann, C., Pérez, C. and Pérez, J.P., "Classification of Sleep-Waking States using Modular Neural Networks", 2000 IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man and Cybernetics, Nashville, Tennessee, USA, Oct. 2000, pp. 2580-2585.

[CI7] Estévez, P., Fernández, M., Alcock, R. and Packianather, M., "Selection of Features for the Classification of Wood Board Defects", Ninth International Conference on Artificial Neural Networks (ICANN-99), Edinburgh, U.K., September 1999, The Institution of Electrical Engineers, London (ISBN 0-85296-721-7) Vol. 1, pp. 347-352.

[CI8] Estévez, P. and Caballero, R., "A Niching Genetic Algorithm for Selecting Features for Neural Network Classifiers", Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Artificial Neural Networks (ICANN-98), L. Niklason, M. Bodén and T. Ziemke (Eds), Springer-Verlag (ISBN 3-540-76263-9), 1998, Vol. I, pp. 311-316.

[CI9] Estévez, P., Pérez, C., Caballero, R., Buhler, G. and Goles, E. "Classification of Defects on Wood Boards Based on Neural Networks and Genetic Selection of Features" 1998 IIIS World Multiconference on Systemics, Cybernetic and Informatics (SCI'98), Orlando, USA, July 1998, Vol. I, pp. 624-629.

[CI10] Estévez, P., Ugarte, M., Paugam-Moisy, H., and Puzenat, D., "Modular Parallel Implementation for HME Neural Networks", International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Processing Techniques and Applications, PDTA-98, Las Vegas, USA, July 1998, Vol. III, pp. 1365-1372.

[CI11] Estévez, P. and Nakano R., "Hierarchical Mixture of Experts and Max-Min Propagation Neural Networks", Proc. IEEE International Conference on Neural Networks, Perth, Australia, Nov. 1995, Vol. I, pp. 651-656.

[CI12] Estévez, P., "Designing Max-Min Propagation Neural Networks by Hyperplane Switching", Proc. IEEE International Conference on Evolutionary Computation, Perth, Australia, (ISBN 0-7803-2759-4), Nov. 1995, Vol. II, pp. 596-601.

[CI13] Estévez, P. and Okabe, Y., "Evolutionary Structuring of Max-Min Propagation Nets", INNS World Congress on Neural Networks, San Diego, California, USA, June 1994, Lawrence Erlbaum Associates Inc. and INNS Press (ISBN 0-8058-1745-X), Vol. IV, pp. 465-469.

[CI14] Estévez P. and Okabe Y., "Genetic Synthesis of Piecewise Linear Neural Networks", IEEE International Conference on Neural Networks, Orlando, Florida, USA, June 1994, Vol. III, pp. 1783-1786.

[CI15] Estévez P. and Okabe Y., "Max-Min Propagation Nets: Learning by Delta Rule for the Chebyshev Norm", International Joint Conference on Neural Networks, IJCNN-93, Nagoya, Japan, Oct. 1993, Vol. 1, pp. 524-527.

[CI16] Estévez P. and Okabe Y., "Representation Capabilities of Piecewise Linear Neural Networks", International Joint Conference on Neural Networks, IJCNN-92, Beijing, China, Nov. 1992, Publishing House of Electronics Industry, Vol. 3, pp. 668-673.

[CI17] Estévez P. and Okabe Y., "Training the Piecewise Linear High Order Neural Network", International Joint Conference on Neural Networks, IJCNN-91, Singapore, Nov. 1991, Vol. 1, pp. 711-716.


Regional Conferences

[CR1] Ruiz-del-Solar, J., Estévez, P., Held, C., Holzmann, C., and Pérez, C. "Procesamiento de Imágenes y Reconocimiento de Patrones en el Departamento de Ingeniería Eléctrica de la Universidad de Chile", Foro Iberoamericano de Reconocimiento de Formas y Análisis de Imágenes, Barcelona, Espańa, Sept. 8, 2000, Cap. 11, pp. 95-109.

[CR2] Estévez, P., Pérez, C., Caballero, R., Buhler, G., Fernández, M., y Goles, E., "Sistema Automático de Inspección Visual de Tablas de Pino Radiata". VIII Congreso Latinoamericano de Control Automático - CLCA 98, Vińa del Mar, Chile, Nov. 9-13, 1998, Vol. I, pp. 13-18.

[CR3] Caballero, R. y Estévez, P., "Feature Selection Using a Niching Genetic Algorithm: An Experimental Study". VIII Congreso Latinoamericano de Control Automático - CLCA 98, Vińa del Mar, Chile, Nov. 9-13, 1998, Vol. I, pp. 213-218.

[CR4] Estévez P., Caballero R., Buhler G., y Pérez C., "Clasificación de Defectos en Maderas mediante Mapa Auto-Oganizativo de Kohonen y LVQ" , X Simposium Internacional en Aplicaciones de Informática, INFONOR, U. Católica del Norte, Antofagasta, Oct. 1997, 6 p.

[CR5] Holzmann, C., Estévez, P., Mella, P., Rosselot, E., Pérez-Olea, J. and Prat, H., "Organic Characterization of the Hypertense: A Connectionist Approach", North Sea Conference on Biomedical Engineering, University of Antwerp, Belgium, Nov. 1990, Topic 8,6.

[CR6] Holzmann, C., Rosselot, E., Estévez, P., and Held, C., "Synthesis of a Disease Diagnosis Model", Proceedings V Mediterranean Conference on Medical & Biological Engineering, MEDICOM-89, University of Patras, Greece, August 1989, pp. 310-311.

[CR7] Estévez, P. and Holzmann, C., "Relating Manifestations in Medical Decision Making", Proceedings V Mediterranean Conference on Medical & Biological Engineering, MEDICOM-89, University of Patras, Greece, August 1989, pp. 292-293.

[CR8] Holzmann, C., Estévez, P., Acuńa, G., Schifferli, G., Rosselot, E., Pérez-Olea, J., and Prat H., "Fuzzy Expert System Foundations for the Essential Hypertension Treatment", Proceedings V Mediterranean Conference on Medical & Biological Engineering, MEDICOM-89, University of Patras, Greece, August 1989, pp. 324-325.

[CR9] Estévez P., Holzmann, C. y Salinas, C. "Extracción de Parámetros y Clasificación Morfológica del ECG", III Congreso Latinoamericano de Control Automático, Vińa del Mar, Chile: U. Católica de Valparaíso, Vol. I, Nov. 1988, pp. 10-13.


National Conferences

[CN1] Estévez, P., Pérez, C. y Reinoso, P. "Mejoras a un Sistema Automático de Tablas de Pino Radiata", Jornadas Chilenas de Computación 2000. Taller de Redes Neuronales y Aplicaciones, USACH, Santiago de Chile, 13-18 Noviembre 2000.

[CN2] Fernández, M. y Estévez, P., "Comparación de Redes Neuronales y Reticulados Ganglionares para la Clasificación de Etapas de Sueńo y Vigilia", Anales XIII Congreso Chileno de Ingeniería Eléctrica, Nov. 1999, pp. 430-435.

[CN3] Aracena J., Estévez, P., Goles E., Matus I. y Pérez C., "Reconocimiento de Defectos en Maderas Mediante Redes Neuronales", Anales XII Congreso Chileno de Ingeniería Eléctrica, Vol. II, Nov. 1997, pp. 561-566.

[CN4] Estévez P., Ugarte U., Paugam-Moisy H., and Puzenat D., "Parallel Simulation of Modular Neural Networks", Anales XII Congreso Chileno de Ingeniería Eléctrica, Vol. II., Nov. 1997, pp. 555-560.

[CN5] Estévez P., "Red Neuronal Difusa para la Modelación de la Toma de Decisiones Humanas", XII Congreso Chileno de Control Automático (ACCA), Noviembre 1996, pp. 177-182.

Last updated December 18, 2003