This conference is the oldest in South America and is strictly
dedicated to the study of nonlinear science and statistical mechanics.
The workshop has been a fundamental element for the development
of the discipline in the region. Through collaboration between researchers
from the region and from all continents of the planet and through
the exchange of young researchers and students. On this occasion,
an extraordinary event will be held in Europe to continue strengthening
ties between nonlinear science researchers around the world.
The XX workshop will take place at the Institut de Physique
de Nice (INPHYNI), October 7-9, Nice, France.
The Proceedings of the first nine sessions have been regularly
published with Kluwer Academic Publishers (Holland) in the Series
on Nonlinear Phenomena and Complex Systems of the Center for Nonlinear
Physics and Complex Systems of Santiago (CFNL), a center founded
by Prof. Tirapegui . The Proceedings of the 11th Session appeared
in a select issue of the International Journal of Bifurcations and
Chaos, and the Proceedings of the 12th Session were published in
a special issue of the European Journal of Physics D. The Proceedings
of the 16th Session session have been published. in the Philosophical
Transactions of the Royal Society. The proceedings of the 17th session
have been published in Chaos journal. The most outstanding works
of the 18th session have been published in Chaos, Soliton & Fractal