Publications of Javier Ruiz-del-Solar


A. International Journal Papers


1.     Correa, M., Hermosilla, G., Verschae, R., and Ruiz-del-Solar, J. (2012). Human Detection and Identification by Robots using Thermal and Visual Information in Domestic Environments, Journal of Intelligent and Robotic Systems, DOI 10.1007/s10846-011-9612-2 (in press). (ISI)


2.     Delpiano, J., Jara, J., Scheer, J., Ramirez, O., Ruiz-del-Solar, J., Hartel, S. (2012). Performance of optical flow techniques for motion analysis of fluorescent point signals in confocal microscopy, Machine Vision and Applications, DOI 10.1007/s00138-011-0362-8 (in press). (ISI)


3.     Hermosilla, G., Ruiz-del-Solar, J., Verschae, R., and Correa, M. (2012). A Comparative Study of Thermal Face Recognition Methods in Unconstrained Environments, Pattern Recognition, (in press). (ISI)


4.     Iocchi, L., Ruiz-del-Solar, J., and van der Zant, T. (2012). Domestic Service Robots in the Real World, Journal of Intelligent and Robotic Systems, DOI 10.1007/s10846-011-9628-7 (in press). (ISI)


5.     Loncomilla, P., and Ruiz-del-Solar, J. (2012). Visual SLAM based on Rigid-Body 3D landmarks, Journal of Intelligent and Robotic Systems (in press). (ISI)


6.     Ruiz-del-Solar, J., and Weitzenfeled, A., ŇAdvances in Robotics in Latin America,Ó Journal of Intelligent and Robotic Systems (in press). (ISI)


7.     Testart, J., Ruiz-del-Solar, J., Schulz, R., Guerrero, P. Palma-Amestoy, R. (2011). A Real-Time Hybrid Architecture for Biped Humanoids with Active Vision Mechanisms, Journal of Intelligent and Robotic Systems, Vol. 63, No. 2, pp. 233-255, 2011. (ISI)


8.     Vallejos, P., Ruiz-del-Solar, J., Swett, F. (2011). A new methodology for the design of passive biped robots: Determining conditions on the robotŐs parameters for the existence of stable walking cycles, Journal of Intelligent and Robotic Systems, Vol. 63, No. 3-4, pp. 503-523, 2011. (ISI)


9.     Ruiz-del-Solar, J., Arenas, M., Verschae, R., Loncomilla, P. (2010). Visual Detection of Legged Robots and its Application to Robot Soccer Playing and Refereeing, Int. Journal of Humanoid Robotics, Vol. 7, No. 4, pp. 669-698, 2010. (ISI)


10.   Ruiz-del-Solar, J., Verschae, R., Arenas, M., Loncomilla, P. (2010). Play Ball! Robot Detection System in the Soccer Domain, IEEE Robotics and Automation Magazine, Vol. 17, No. 4, pp. 43-53, 2010. (ISI)


11.   Palma-Amestoy, R., Ruiz-del-Solar, J., Ya–ez, J.M., Guerrero, P. (2010). Spatiotemporal Context Integration in Robot Vision, Int. Journal of Humanoid Robotics, Vol. 7, No. 3, pp. 357-377, 2010. (ISI)


12.   Guerrero, P., Ruiz-del-Solar, J., Romero, M., Angulo, S. (2010). Task Oriented Probabilistic Active Vision, Int. Journal of Humanoid Robotics, Vol. 7, No. 3, pp. 451-476, 2010. (ISI)


13.   Ruiz-del-Solar, J. (2010). Robotics-Centered Outreach Activities: An Integrated Approach. IEEE Trans. on Education, Vol. 53, No. 1, pp. 38-45, 2010. (ISI)


14.   Ruiz-del-Solar, J. (2010). Additional Elements on the Use of Robots for Childcare. Interaction Studies, Vol. 11, No. 2., pp. 253-256. (ISI)


15.   Ruiz-del-Solar, J., Verschae, R., Correa, M. (2009). Recognition of Faces in Unconstrained Environments: A Comparative Study. EURASIP Journal on Advances in Signal Processing (Recent Advances in Biometric Systems: A Signal Processing Perspective), Vol. 2009, Article ID 184617, 19 pages. (ISI)


16.   Ruiz-del-Solar, J., Palma-Amestoy, R., Marchant, R., Parra-Tsunekawa, I., and Zegers, P. (2009). Learning to Fall: Designing Low Damage Fall Sequences for Humanoid Soccer Robots. Robotics and Autonomous Systems (Special Issue on Humanoid Soccer Robots), 57, pp. 796-807, July 2009. (ISI)


17.   Zagal, J.C., Delpiano, J., and Ruiz-del-Solar, J. (2009). Self-Modeling in Humanoid Soccer Robots. Robotics and Autonomous Systems (Special Issue on Humanoid Soccer Robots), 57, pp. 819-827, July 2009. (ISI)


18.   Achurra, L.E., Lacassie, J.P., Le Roux, J.P., Marquardt, C., Belmar, M., Ruiz-del-Solar, J., Ishmang, S.E. (2009). Manganese nodules in the Miocene Bah’a Inglesa Formation, north-central Chile: Petrography, geochemistry, genesis and paleoceanographic significance. Sedimentary Geology, Vol. 217, Issues 1-4, pp. 128-139, May 2009. (ISI)


19.   Ruiz-del-Solar, J., and Loncomilla, P. (2009). Robot Head Pose Detection and Gaze Direction Determination using Local Invariant Features. Advanced Robotics, Vol. 23, No. 3, pp. 305-328, Feb. 2009. (ISI)


20.   McClung, C.R., Gutzmer, J., Lacassie, J.P., Bailie, R., and Ruiz-del-Solar, J. (2008). Reply: Comments by Colliston and Schoch (2008) on paper by Lacassie et al. (JGE, 91, 81–83 (2006)). Journal of Geochemical Exploration, Vol. 99, Issues 1-3, pp. 66-68, Oct.-Dec. 2008. (ISI)


21.   Ruiz-del-Solar, J., and Quinteros, J. (2008). Illumination Compensation and Normalization in Eigenspace-based Face Recognition: A comparative study of different pre-processing approaches. Pattern Recognition Letters, Vol. 29, No. 14, pp. 1966-1979, 2008. (ISI)


22.   Verschae, R., Ruiz-del-Solar, J., Correa, M. (2008). A Unified Learning Framework for object Detection and Classification using Nested Cascades of Boosted Classifiers. Machine Vision and Applications, Vol. 19, No. 2, pp. 85-103, 2008. (ISI)


23.   Zagal, J.C., and Ruiz-del-Solar, J. (2007). Combining Simulation and Reality in Evolutionary Robotics. Journal of Intelligent and Robotic Systems, Vol. 50, No. 1, pp. 19 – 39, 2007. (ISI)


24.   Lacassie, J.P., Gutzmer, J., McClung, C., Bailie, R., and Ruiz-del-Solar, J. (2006). Geochemical Patterns of Schists from the Bushmanland Group: An Artificial Neural Networks Approach. Journal of Geochemical Exploration, Vol. 91, pp. 81 – 98, 2006. (ISI)


25.   Lacassie, J.P., Ruiz-del-Solar, J., Roser, B., and HervŽ, F. (2006). Geochemical data visualization and classification with Neural Networks. Mathematical Geology, Vol. 38, No. 6, pp. 697-710, 2006. (ISI)


26.   Ruiz-del-Solar, J., and Navarrete, P. (2005). Eigenspace-based Face Recognition: A comparative study of different approaches. IEEE Trans. on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics C (Special Issue on Biometric Systems), Vol. 35, No. 3, pp. 315 – 325, Aug. 2005. (ISI)


27.   Ruiz-del-Solar, J., and Aviles, R. (2004). Robotics Courses for Children as a Motivation Tool: The Chilean Experience. IEEE Trans. on Education, Vol. 47, No. 4, 474-480, Nov. 2004. (ISI)


28.   Lacassie, J.P., Roser, B., Ruiz-del-Solar, J., and HervŽ, F. (2004). Discovering Geochemical Patterns using Self-Organizing Neural Networks: A new Perspective for Sedimentary Provenance Analysis. Sedimentary Geology 165 (2004) 175 – 191. (ISI)


29.   Jaimes, A., Ruiz-del-Solar, J., Verschae, R., Baeza-Yates, R., Castillo, C., Yaksic, D., Davis, E. (2004). On the image content of a Web Segment: Chile as a case study. Journal of Web Engineering, Vol. 3, No.2 (2004) 153-168, Rinton Press.


30.   Navarrete, P., and Ruiz-del-Solar, J. (2002). Analysis and Comparison of Eigenspace-based Face Recognition Approaches. Int. Journal of Pattern Recognition and Artificial Intelligence, Vol. 16, No. 7, 817-830. (ISI)


31.   Ruiz-del-Solar, J., Navarrete, P., and Parada, P. (2002). TEXRET: An Interactive TEXture RETrieval System. UPGRADE (The European Online Magazine for the IT Professional), Vol. III, No. 3, June 2002, 70 – 77.


32.   Franke, K., Ruiz-del-Solar, J., and Kšppen, M. (2002). Soft-Biometrics: Soft-Computing for Biometric-Applications. Int. Journal of Fuzzy Systems, Vol. 4, No. 2, June 2002.


33.   Ruiz-del-Solar, J., and Soria-Frisch, A., (2001). Toward a Bioinspired Fusion of Color and Infrared Textural Image Information, Journal of Advanced Computational Intelligence, Vol. 5, No. 6, 15 - 21.


34.   Kšppen, M., and Ruiz-del-Solar, J. (2001). Steady-State Image Operators, Applied Soft Computing 1 (2001) 53 – 62.


35.   Ruiz-del-Solar, J. (1998). TEXSOM: Texture Segmentation using Self-Organizing Maps. Neurocomputing (21) 1-3 (1998) 7-18. (ISI)


36.   Ruiz-del-Solar, J., and Kšppen, M. (1997). A Texture Segmentation Architecture based on automatically generated Oriented Filters. Journal of Microelectronic System Integration, Vol. 5, No. 1, 43-52.


37.   Ruiz-del-Solar, J., and Kšppen, M. (1996). Sewage Pipe Image Segmentation using a Neural Based Architecture. Pattern Recognition Letters, Vol. 17, No. 4, 363-368. (ISI)


B. Lecture Notes in Computer Science Papers (ISI indexed until 2006)


1.     Marchant, R., Guerrero. P., Ruiz-del-Solar, J. (2012). A Portable Ground-Truth System Based on A Laser Sensor. Lecture Notes in Computer Science (RoboCup Symposium 2011), (accepted).


2.     Dodds, R., Iocchi, L., Guerrero. P., Ruiz-del-Solar, J. (2012). Benchmarks for Robotic Soccer Vision. Lecture Notes in Computer Science (RoboCup Symposium 2011), (accepted).


3.     Correa, M., Ruiz-del-Solar, J., Parra-Tsunekawa, I., Verschae, R. (2011). A Realistic Simulation Tool for Testing Face Recognition Systems under Real-World Conditions. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 6556 (RoboCup Symposium 2010), pp. 13–24.


4.     Hermosilla, G., Loncomilla, P., Ruiz-del-Solar, J. (2011). Thermal Face Recognition using Local Interest Points and Descriptors for HRI Applications. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 6556 (RoboCup Symposium 2010), pp. 25-35.


5.     Correa, M., Ruiz-del-Solar, J., Verschae, R., Lee-Ferng, J. Castillo, N. (2010). Real-Time Hand Gesture Recognition for Human Robot Interaction. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 5949 (RoboCup Symposium 2009), pp. 46-57.


6.     Ruiz-del-Solar, J., Mascar—, M., Correa, M., Bernuy, F., Riquelme, R., Verschae, R., (2010). Analyzing the Human-Robot Interaction Abilities of a General-Purpose Social Robot in Different Naturalistic Environments. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 5949 (RoboCup Symposium 2009), pp. 308–319.


7.     Correa, M., Ruiz-del-Solar, J., Bernuy, F. (2009). Face Recognition for Human-Robot Interaction Applications: A Comparative Study. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 5399 (RoboCup Symposium 2008) pp. 473-484.


8.     Arenas, M., Ruiz-del-Solar, J., Norambuena, S., Cubillos, S. (2009). A robot referee for robot soccer. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 5399 (RoboCup Symposium 2008) pp. 426-438.


9.     Guerrero, P., Ruiz-del-Solar, J., Romero, M. (2009). Explicitly Task Oriented Probabilistic Active Vision for a Mobile Robot. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 5399 (RoboCup Symposium 2008) pp. 85-96.


10.   Palma-Amestoy, R., Guerrero, P., Ruiz-del-Solar, J., Garret—n, C. (2009). Bayesian Spatiotemporal Context Integration Sources in Robot Vision Systems. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 5399 (RoboCup Symposium 2008) pp. 212-224.


11.   Ruiz-del-Solar, J., Palma-Amestoy, R., Vallejos, P., Marchant, R., Zegers, P. (2009). Designing Fall Sequences that Minimize Robot Damage in Robot Soccer. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 5399 (RoboCup Symposium 2008) pp. 271-283.


12.   Ruiz-del-Solar, J., Loncomilla, P., Zorzi, P. (2008). Applying SIFT Descriptors to Stellar Image Matching. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 5197 (CIARP 2008), pp. 618-625.


13.   Ruiz-del-Solar, J., Loncomilla, P., Devia, Ch. (2008). Fingerprint Verification using Local Interest Points and Descriptors. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 5197 (CIARP 2008), pp. 519-526.


14.   Ruiz-del-Solar, J., Devia, Ch., Loncomilla, P., Concha, F. (2008). Offline Signature Verification using Local Interest Points and Descriptors. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 5197 (CIARP 2008), pp. 22-29.


15.   Verschae, R., Ruiz-del-Solar, J. (2008). Offline Multiclass Adaboost and Coupled Classifiers for Object Detection. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 5197 (CIARP 2008), pp. 560-567.


16.   Arenas, M., Ruiz-del-Solar, J., Verschae, R. (2008). Detection of Aibo and Humanoid Robots using Cascades of Boosted Classifiers. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 5001 (RoboCup 2007) pp. 449-456.


17.   Guerrero, P., Ruiz-del-Solar, J., Fredes, J., and Palma-Amestoy, R. (2008). Automatic On-Line Color Segmentation using Classes-Relative color Spaces. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 5001 (RoboCup 2007) pp. 246-253.


18.   Guerrero, P., Ruiz-del-Solar, J., and D’az, G. (2008). Probabilistic Decision Making in Robot Soccer. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 5001 (RoboCup 2007) pp. 29-40.


19.   Guerrero, P., and Ruiz-del-Solar, J. (2008). Improving robot self-localization using landmarks' poses tracking and odometry error compensation. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 5001 (RoboCup 2007) pp. 148-158.


20.   Loncomilla, P., and Ruiz-del-Solar, J. (2008). Robust Object Recognition using Wide Baseline Matching for RoboCup Applications. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 5001 (RoboCup 2007) pp. 441-448.


21.   Francke, H., Ruiz-del-Solar, J., Verschae, R. (2007). Real-time Hand Gesture Detection and Recognition using Boosted Classifiers and Active Learning. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 4872 (PSIVT 2007), Springer, pp. 533-547.


22.   Ruiz-del-Solar, J., Loncomilla, P., Devia, Ch. (2007). A New Approach for Fingerprint Verification based on Wide Baseline Matching using Local Interest Points and Descriptors. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 4872 (PSIVT 2007), Springer, pp. 586-599.


23.   Ruiz-del-Solar, J., Loncomilla, P., Vallejos, P. (2007). An automated refereeing and analysis tool for the Four-Legged League. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 4434 (RoboCup 2006), Springer, 206-218.


24.   Loncomilla, P., and Ruiz-del-Solar, J. (2006). A fast probabilistic model for hypothesis rejection in SIFT-based Object Recognition. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 4225 (CIARP 2006), Springer, 696 - 705. (ISI)


25.   Verschae, R., Ruiz-del-Solar, J., Correa, M. (2006). Gender Classification of Faces using Adaboost. Lecture Notes in Computer Science (CIARP 2006) 4225, Springer, 68 - 78. (ISI)


26.   Zagal, J., Sarmiento, I., Ruiz-del-Solar, J. (2006). An Application Interface for UCHILSIM and the arrival of new challenges. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 4020 (RoboCup 2005), Springer, 464  – 471. (ISI)


27.   Loncomilla, P., Ruiz-del-Solar, J. (2006). Gaze Direction Determination of Opponents and Teammates in Robot Soccer. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 4020 (RoboCup 2005), Springer, 230  – 242. (ISI)


28.   Loncomilla, P., Ruiz-del-Solar, J. (2005). Improving SIFT-based Object Recognition for Robot Applications. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 3617 (ICIAP 2005), Springer, 1084 - 1092. (ISI)


29.   Ruiz-del-Solar, J., Verschae, R., Kottow, D. (2005). Skin Detection in Videos in the Spatial-Range domain. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 3617 (ICIAP 2005), Springer, 961-969. (ISI)


30.   Ruiz-del-Solar, J., and Vallejos, P. (2005). Motion Detection and Tracking for an AIBO Robot using Camera Motion Compensation and Kalman Filtering. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 3276 (RoboCup 2004), Springer, 619-627. (ISI)


31.   Zagal, J., and Ruiz-del-Solar, J. (2005). UCHILSIM: A Dynamically and Visually Realistic Simulator for the RoboCup Four Legged League. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 3276 (RoboCup 2004), Springer, 34 - 45. (ISI)


32.   Zagal, J., and Ruiz-del-Solar, J. (2005). Learning to Kick the Ball Using Back to Reality. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 3276 (RoboCup 2004), Springer, 335 - 346. (ISI)


33.   Kottow, D., Kšppen, M., and Ruiz-del-Solar, J. (2004). A Background Maintenance Model in the Spatial-Range Domain. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 3247 (ECCV Workshop SMVP 2004), Springer, 141 – 150. (ISI)


34.   Baeza-Yates, R., Ruiz-del-Solar, J., Verschae, R., Castillo, C., Hurtado, C. (2004). Content-based Image Retrieval and Characterization on Specific Web Collections. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 3115 (CIVR 2004), Springer, 189 – 198. (ISI)


35.   Zagal, J., Ruiz-del-Solar, J., Guerrero, P. and Palma R. (2004). Evolving Visual Object Recognition for Legged Robots. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 3020 (RoboCup 2003), Springer, 181-191. (ISI)


36.   Ruiz-del-Solar, J. and Zagal, J. (2004). How contests can foster the research activities on robotics in developing countries: Chile a case study. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 3020 (RoboCup 2003), Springer, 748 - 756. (ISI)


37.   Kottow, D., Kšppen, M., and Ruiz-del-Solar, J. (2003). Temporal Dynamical Interactions between Multiple Layers of Local Image Features for Event Detection in Video Sequences. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 2749 (SCIA 2003), Springer, 223 - 231. (ISI)


38.   Verschae, R., and Ruiz-del-Solar, J. (2003). A Hybrid Face Detector based on an Asymmetrical Adaboost Cascade Detector and a Wavelet-Bayesian-Detector. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 2686 (IWANN 2003), Springer, 742-749. (ISI)


39.   Ruiz-del-Solar, J., and Navarrete, P. (2002). Towards a Generalized Eigenspace-based Face Recognition Framework. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 2396 (S+SSPR 2002), Springer, 662 – 671.


40.   Navarrete, P., and Ruiz-del-Solar, J. (2002). On the Generalization of Kernel Machines. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 2388 (SVM 2002), Springer, 24 - 39. (ISI)


41.   Ruiz-del-Solar, J., and Navarrete, P. (2002). FACERET: An Interactive Face Retrieval System based on Self-Organizing Maps. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 2383 (CIVR 2002), Springer, 157 - 164. (ISI)


42.   Navarrete, P., and Ruiz-del-Solar, J. (2002). Comparative study between different Eigenspace-based approaches for Face Recognition. Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence 2275 (AFSS 2002), Springer, 178 – 184.


43.   Franke, K., and Ruiz-del-Solar, J. (2002). Soft-Biometrics: Soft-Computing Technologies for Biometric-Applications. Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence 2275 (AFSS 2002), Springer, 171- 177.


44.   Ruiz-del-Solar, J. and Kottow, D. (2000). Bio-Inspired Texture Segmentation Architectures. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 1811 (BMCV 2000), Springer, 444-452. (ISI)


45.   Ruiz-del-Solar, J., and Kottow, D. (1999). Adaptive-Subspace Growing Cell Structures (ASGCS) – A new self-organizing network for automatic selection of feature variables. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 1607 (IWANN 99), Springer, 805-813. (ISI)


46.   Kšppen, M., and Ruiz-del-Solar, J. (1999). Autopoiesis and Image Processing: Detection of Structure and Organization in Images. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 1607 (IWANN 99), Springer, 442-451. (ISI)


47.   Kšppen, M., and Ruiz-del-Solar, J. (1997). A Fuzzy based Texture Retrieval System that considers psychological aspects. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 1226 (Fuzzy Days 97), Springer, 585-586. (ISI)


48.   Ruiz-del-Solar, J., and Kšppen, M. (1995). A Neural Architecture for Preattentive Segmentation of Sewage Pipe Video Images. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 930 (IWANN 95), Springer, 875-881. (ISI)


C. Papers in Chilean Journals


1.     Mascar—, M., Cabello, F., Parra, S., Vallejos, P., Guerrero, P., Ehrenfeld, A., Acu–a, A., Ruiz del Solar, J., Orchard, M. (2011). Instrumentaci—n, Actuaci—n e Implementaci—n de Control Difuso de Bajo Nivel en Veh’culo Terrestre Aut—nomo de Escala Real. Anales del Instituto de Ingenieros de Chile, Vol. 123, No. 2, 53-61.


2.     Correa, M., Ruiz-del-Solar, J., and Verschae, R. (2006). Indexaci—n Automatizada de Im‡genes Digitales usando Informaci—n Facial. Anales del Instituto de Ingenieros de Chile, Vol. 118, No. 3, 93-105.


3.     Palma-Amestoy, R., Guerrero, P., Vallejos, P., Ruiz-del-Solar, J. (2006). Segmentaci—n Din‡mica de Colores para robots Aibo. Anales del Instituto de Ingenieros de Chile, Vol. 118, No. 2, 71-81.


4.     Chac—n, G., and Ruiz-del-Solar, J. (2006). Control de una Mano Rob—tica utilizando Referencias generadas por una Interfaz Mano-Guante. Anales del Instituto de Ingenieros de Chile, Vol. 118, No. 1, 17 – 27.


5.     Zagal., J., and Ruiz-del-Solar, J. (2004). Aprendizaje de Comportamientos Complejos en Robots Cuadrśpedos. Anales del Instituto de Ingenieros de Chile, Vol. 116, No. 1, 17 - 31.


6.     Guerrero, P., and Ruiz-del-Solar, J. (2003) Auto-localizaci—n de un Robot M—vil AIBO mediante el MŽtodo de Monte Carlo. Anales del Instituto de Ingenieros de Chile, Vol. 115, No. 3, 91 – 102.


7.     Verschae, R., and Ruiz-del-Solar, J. (2003) Detecci—n de Caras utilizando un MŽtodo H’brido de Reconocimiento Estad’stico de Patrones. Anales del Instituto de Ingenieros de Chile, Vol. 115, No. 2, 67-79.


8.     Zagal., J., and Ruiz-del-Solar, J. (2003). Adaptaci—n Evolutiva de un Sistema Visual de Reconocimiento de Objetos para el Campeonato de Fśtbol Rob—tico Robocup. Anales del Instituto de Ingenieros de Chile, Vol. 115, No. 1, 11-22.


9.     Ruiz-del-Solar, J., and Navarrete, P., (2002). FACERET: S’stema de Administraci—n y Bśsqueda Inteligente de Caras en Bases de Datos de Im‡genes. Anales del Instituto de Ingenieros de Chile, Vol. 114, No. 3, 117-125.


10.   Ruiz-del-Solar, J., and Escobar, M.J. (2002). Reconocimiento de Caras inspirado en Modelos Biol—gicos. Anales del Instituto de Ingenieros de Chile, Vol. 114, No. 1, 19-27.


11.   Ruiz-del-Solar, J., and Shats, E. (2001). Sistema Rob—tico M—vil controlado a travŽs de Internet. Anales del Instituto de Ingenieros de Chile, Vol. 113, No. 3, 121-128.


12.   Navarrete, P., Ruiz-del-Solar, J., and Escobar, M.J. (2001). Reconocimiento de Caras mediante MŽtodos de tipo ŇEigenspaceÓ. Anales del Instituto de Ingenieros de Chile, Vol. 113, No. 1, 3 - 25.


13.   Ruiz-del-Solar, J., and Soria-Frisch, A. (2000). Sistemas Multisensoriales de Inspecci—n Industrial: Procesamiento conjunto de Im‡genes de Color e Infrarrojas. Anales del Instituto de Ingenieros de Chile, Vol. 112, No. 3, 98-111.


14.   Ruiz-del-Solar, J., Parada, P., Jochmann, M., Kšppen, M., and Roco L. (2000). Bśsqueda y S’ntesis de Texturas mediante Soft-Computing. Anales del Instituto de Ingenieros de Chile, Vol. 112, No. 2, 49-74.


15.   Morales, D., and Ruiz-del-Solar, J. (2000). Sistemas BiomŽtricos: Matching de Huellas Dactilares mediante Transformada de Hough Generalizada. Anales del Instituto de Ingenieros de Chile, Vol. 112, No. 1, 15-27.


16.   Ruiz-del-Solar, J. (1999). Bio-Inspired Image Processing. Ciencia Abierta (Electronic Journal), No. 7,



D. Books, Proceedings and Theses


D.1. Books and theses


1.     Ruiz-del-Solar, J., Chown, E., Ploeger, P.G. (Eds.) (2011). RoboCup 2010: Robot Soccer World Cup XIV, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Vol. 6556, 432 p., Springer (ISBN 978-3-642-20216-2).


2.     Ruiz-del-Solar, J., and Zegers, P. (Eds.) (2006). Proc. of the 3rd IEEE Latin American Robotics Symposium – LARS 2006, IEEE Press (ISBN 1-4244-0537-8).


3.     Abraham, A., Ruiz-del-Solar, J., and Kšppen, M. (Eds.) (2002). Soft-Computing Systems: Design, Management and Applications, Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence and Applications 87, IOS Press (ISBN 1-58603-297-6).


4.     Ruiz-del-Solar, J. (1997). Biologisch basierte Verfahren zur Objekterkennung und Texturanalyse. Doctoral Degree Thesis, Technical University of Berlin, Germany (Available as a book under: ISBN 3-8167-4647-0).


5.     Ruiz-del-Solar, J. (1992). Filtrado No Lineal de Im‡genes. Master Degree Thesis, Universidad TŽcnica Federico Santa Mar’a, Chile.


D.2. Book Chapters


1.     Ruiz-del-Solar, J. (2008). Cap’tulo 8: Multimedia en la Web. In C. GutiŽrrez (Ed.), C—mo funciona La Web, Centro de Investigaci—n de la Web, pp. 103-111 (ISBN 978­956­319­225­1).


2.     Ruiz-del-Solar, J., and Vallejos, P. (2007). Motion Detection and Object Tracking for an AIBO Robot Soccer Player. In P. Lima (Ed.), Robotic Soccer, I-Tech Education and Publishing, pp. 337-346 (ISBN 978-3-902613-21-9).


3.     Verschae, R., Ruiz-del-Solar, J. (2006). State of the Art Face Detection: Cascade Boosting Approaches. In A. Tiwari, J. Knowles, E. Avineri, K. Dahal, and R. Roy (Eds.), Applications of Soft Computing, Advances in Soft Computing Series, Vol. 36, pp. 406-410, Springer, 2006 (ISBN-10: 3-540-29123-7).


4.     Brieva, F., Ruiz-del-Solar, J., Hitschfeld, N., Cipriano, A., Gordon, A., Kashel, H., Rodr’guez, J., Weber, R., Weintraub, A. (2005). Ciencias de la Ingenier’a. En J. Allende, J. Babul, S. Mart’nez, T. Ureta (Eds.), An‡lisis y Proyecciones de la Ciencia Chilena 2005. Academia Chilena de Ciencias, Consejo de Sociedades Cient’ficas de Chile y Programa Bicentenario de Ciancia y Tecnolog’a CONICYT.


5.     Navarrete, P., and Ruiz-del-Solar, J. (2003). Kernel-based Face Recognition by a Reformulation of Kernel Machines. In J. Benitez, O. Cordon, F. Hoffmann and R. Roy (Eds.), Advances in Soft Computing - Engineering Design and Manufacturing, Springer Engineering Series, 183 – 196 (ISBN 1-85233-755-9).


6.     Escobar, M.J., Ruiz-del-Solar, J., and Rodriguez, J. (2003). Face Recognition Using Multi Log-Polar Images and Gabor Filters. In J. Benitez, O. Cordon, F. Hoffmann and R. Roy (Eds.), Advances in Soft Computing - Engineering Design and Manufacturing, Springer Engineering Series, 197 – 204 (ISBN 1-85233-755-9).


7.     Navarrete, P., and Ruiz-del-Solar, J. (2002). Eigenspace-based Face Recognition: A comparative study of different hybrid approaches, In A. Abraham. J. Ruiz-del-Solar, M. Kšppen (Eds.), Soft-Computing Systems: Design, Management and Applications, Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence and Applications 87, IOS Press, 663 - 672 (ISBN 1-58603-297-6).


8.     Ruiz-del-Solar, J., and Navarrete, P. (2002). Eigenspace-based Face Recognition. In R. Roy, M. Kšppen, S. Ovaska and T. Furuhashi (Eds.), Soft Computing and Industry – Recent Applications, Springer Engineering Series, 445 - 460 (ISBN 1-85233-539-4).


9.     Ruiz-del-Solar, J. (2000). Computational Autopoiesis for Texture Analysis. In Y. Suzuki, S. Ovaska, T. Furuhashi, R. Roy and Y. Dote (Eds.), Soft Computing in Industrial Applications, Springer Engineering Series, 531-539 (ISBN 1-85233-293-X).


10.   Ruiz-del-Solar, J., and Kšppen, M. (1999). Autopoiesis and Image Processing. In M. Mohammadian (Ed.), New Frontiers in Computational Intelligence and its Applications, IOS Press, 254 – 263 (ISBN 90-5199-476-I).


11.   Ruiz-del-Solar, J. (1998). Image Processing and Intelligent Systems. In J. Pfeiffer (Ed.), Novel Intelligent Automation and Control Systems, Vol. I, Papierflieger, Clausthal-Zellerfeld, 49-56 (ISBN 3-89720-201-8).


12.   Ruiz-del-Solar, J. (1993). Performance Protocols CSMA/CD. IEEE 1993 Student Papers Book.


13.   Ruiz-del-Solar, J. (1992). Digital Image Filtering. IEEE 1992 Student Papers Book.



E. Conference Papers


1.     Ruiz-del-Solar, J., Correa, M., Smith, F., Hevia-Koch, P., Leottau, L., Pairo, W., Verschae, R. (2011). UChile HomeBreakers 2011 Team Description Paper, RoboCup Symposium 2011, 5-11 July 2011, Istambul, Turkey (CD Proceedings).


2.     Iocchi, L., Nardi, D., Dodds, R., Previtali, F., Xue, F., Guerrero, P., Ya–ez, J.M., Palma-Amestoy, R., Marchant, R., Blunier, S., Ruiz-del-Solar, J. (2011). SPQR+UChile SPL Team Description Paper, RoboCup Symposium 2011, 5-11 July 2011, Istambul, Turkey (CD Proceedings).


3.     Pizarro, L., Delpiano, J., Aljabar, P., Ruiz-del-Solar, J., Rueckert, D. (2011). Motion Estimation in Light and Electron Microscopy, IEEE International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging - ISBI 2011, 30 March – 2 April 2011, Chicago, USA.


4.     Lacassie, J.P., Ruiz-Del-Solar, J., D’az, A., Baeza, L., Astudillo, F. (2011). Geochemical patterns of active stream sediments: An artificial neural networks approach, GEOMIN 2011, 2nd Int. Seminar on Geology for the Mining Industry, Antofagasta, Chile, 8-10 June 2011.


5.     Lacassie, J.P., D’az, A., Ruiz-Del-Solar, J., Vivallo, W. (2010). An‡lisis de datos geoqu’micos de yacimientos met‡licos de la regi—n de Atacama, norte de Chile, XV Congreso Peruano de Geolog’a, Sept. 28, 2010.


6.     Correa. C., Ruiz-del-Solar, J., Parra-Tsunekawa, I. (2010). A Virtual Environment for realistic Testing and Training of Face Detection and Recognition Systems, 19th IEEE Int. Symposium in Robot and Human Interactive Communication – Ro-Man 2010, Sept. 12-15, 2010, Viareggio, Italy (CD Proceedings).


7.     Verschae, R., Ruiz-del-Solar, J. (2010). Coarse-To-Fine Multiclass Nested Cascades for Object Detection, 20th Int. Conf. on Pattern Recognition – ICPR 2010, August 23-26, 2010, Istambul, Turkey.


8.     Lacassie, J.P., Ruiz-del-Solar, J. (2010). Application of artificial neural networks to the geochemical study of an impacted fluvial system, IEEE Int. Joint Conf. on Neural Networks 2010 – IJCNN 2010, July 18-23, 2010, Barcelona, Spain (CD Proceedings).


9.     Ruiz-del-Solar, J., Correa, M., Lee-Ferng, J., Hevia-Koch, P., Parra, I., Mascar—, M. (2010). UChile HomeBreakers 2010 Team Description Paper, RoboCup Symposium 2010, 19-25 June 2010, Singapore (CD Proceedings).


10.   Testart, J., Ruiz-del-Solar, J., Palma-Amestoy, R., Parra, I., Moya, J., Schulz, R., Guerrero, P., Figueroa, J. (2010). UChile RoadRunners 2010 Team Description Paper, RoboCup Symposium 2010, 19-25 June 2010, Singapore (CD Proceedings).


11.   Iocchi, L., Nardi, D., Leonetti, M., Marchetti, L., Ruiz-del-Solar, J., Palma-Amestoy, R., Guerrero, P., Marchant, R., Ya–ez, J.M. (2010). CHITA Hominids Team Description Paper, RoboCup Symposium 2010, 19-25 June 2010, Singapore (CD Proceedings).


12.   Ruiz-del-Solar, J., Moya, J., Parra-Tsunekawa, I. (2010). Fall Detection and Management in Biped Humanoid Robots, IEEE Int. Conf. on Robotics and Automation 2010 – ICRA 2010, May 3-8, 2010, Anchorage, Alaska, USA (CD Proceedings).


13.   Lee-Ferng, J., Ruiz-del-Solar, J., Verschae, R., Correa, C. (2010). Hand Gesture Recognition for Human Robot Interaction in Uncontrolled Environments, Workshop on Multimodal Human - Robot Interfaces at the IEEE Int. Conf. on Robotics and Automation 2010 – ICRA 2010, May 3-8, 2010, Anchorage, Alaska, USA (CD Proceedings).


14.   Lee-Ferng, J., Ruiz-del-Solar, J., Verschae, R., Correa, C. (2009). Dynamic Gesture Recognition for Human Robot Interaction, 6th IEEE Latin American Robotics Symposium – LARS 2009, Oct. 29 - 30, Valpara’so, Chile (CD Proceedings).


15.   Hermosilla, G., Ruiz-del-Solar, J., Verschae, R., Correa, C. (2009). Face Recognition using Thermal Infrared Images for Human-Robot Interaction Applications: A Comparative Study, 6th IEEE Latin American Robotics Symposium – LARS 2009, Oct. 29 - 30, Valpara’so, Chile (CD Proceedings).


16.   Guerrero, P., Ruiz-del-Solar, J., Romero, M., Herrera, L. (2009). An Integrated Multi-Agent Decision Making Framework for Robot Soccer, 6th IEEE Latin American Robotics Symposium – LARS 2009, Oct. 29 - 30, Valpara’so, Chile (CD Proceedings).


17.   Ruiz-del-Solar, J., Correa, M., Mascar—, M., Bernuy, F., Cubillos, S., Parra, I., Lee-Ferng, J. Verschae, R., Riquelme, R. (2009). UChile HomeBreakers 2009 Team Description Paper, RoboCup Symposium 2009, June 29 – July 5, Graz, Austria (CD Proceedings).


18.   Ruiz-del-Solar, J., Guerrero, P., Palma-Amestoy, Marchant, R., Ya–ez, J.M. (2009). UChile Kiltros 2009 Team Description Paper, RoboCup Symposium 2009, June 29 – July 5, Graz, Austria (CD Proceedings).


19.   Ruiz-del-Solar, J., Parra, S., Testart, J., Asenjo, R., Herrmann, D. (2009). UChile RoadRunners 2009 Team Description Paper, RoboCup Symposium 2009, June 29 – July 5, Graz, Austria (CD Proceedings).


20.   Ruiz-del-Solar, J., Guerrero, P., Palma-Amestoy, R. (2008). Context Integration in Humanoid Robot Vision. Proc. Cognitive Humanoid Vision Workshop, in Humanoids 2008, Daejeon, Korea, Dec. 1, 2008 (CD Proceedings).


21.   Verschae R., Ruiz-del-Solar J., Correa M. (2008). Face Recognition in Unconstrained Environments: A Comparative Study. Proc. Workshop Faces in Real-Life Images: Detection, Alignment, and Recognition, ECCV 2008, Marseille, France, Oct. 17, 2008 (CD Proceedings).


22.   Zagal, J.C., Ruiz-del-Solar, J., Palacios, A.G. (2008). Fitness Based Identification of a Robot Structure. Proc. 11th Int. Conf. on Artificial Life, pp.733-740, MIT Press, Cambridge, MA.


23.   Ruiz-del-Solar, J., Correa, M., Bernuy, F., Cubillos, S., Mascar—, M., Vargas, J., Norambuena, S., Marinkovic, A., and Galaz, J. (2008). UChile HomeBreakers 2008 Team Description Paper, RoboCup Symposium 2008, July 15 – 18, Suzhou, China (CD Proceedings).


24.   Ruiz-del-Solar, J., Guerrero, P., Palma-Amestoy, R., Arenas, M., Dodds, R., Marchant, R., Herrera, L.H.. (2008). UChile Kiltros 2008 Team Description Paper, RoboCup Symposium 2008, July 15 – 18, Suzhou, China (CD Proceedings).


25.   Ruiz-del-Solar, J., Vallejos, P., Parra, S., Testart, J., Asenjo, R., Hevia, P., VŽlez, C., Larra’n, F. (2008). UChile RoadRunners 2008 Team Description Paper, RoboCup Symposium 2008, July 15 – 18, Suzhou, China (CD Proceedings).


26.   Lacassie, J.P., and Ruiz-del-Solar, J. (2007). Geoqu’mica de sedimentos del sistema fluvial del r’o Rapel: Chile Central. Int. Geological Congress on the Southern Hemisphere - GEOSUR 2007, Santiago, Chile, 19-20 Nov. 2007.


27.   Ruiz-del-Solar, J. (2007). Computer Vision Research at the Computational Vision Laboratory of the Universidad de Chile. Proc. CVDR-ICCV 2007, 15 Oct. 2007, Rio de Janeiro, Brasil (CD Proceedings).


28.   Ruiz-del-Solar, J. (2007). Personal Robots as Ubiquitous-Multimedial-Mobile Web Interfaces, 5th Latin American Web Congress LA-WEB 2007, pp. 120 – 127, Santiago, Chile, Oct. 31 – Nov 2, 2007.


29.   Ruiz-del-Solar, J., Guerrero, P., Arenas, M., Loncomilla, P., Fredes, J., D’az, G., Palma-Amestoy, R., Vallejos, P., Valenzuela, M., Dodds, R., Monasterio, D. (2007). UChile Kiltros 2007 Team Description Paper, RoboCup 2007 Symposium, July 9 – 10, Atlanta, USA (CD Proceedings).


30.   Ruiz-del-Solar, J., Norambuena, S., Bernuy, F., Cubillos, S., Mascar—, M., Olavaria, I., Solis, C., Toro, C., Vargas, J. (2007). UChile HomeBreakers 2007 Team Description Paper, RoboCup 2007 Symposium, July 9 – 10, Atlanta, USA (CD Proceedings).


31.   Ruiz-del-Solar, J., Vallejos, P., Parra, I., Testart, J., Briones, R., AvilŽs, M.I., Abuhadba, J., Ravest, P. (2007). UChile RoadRunners 2007 Team Description Paper, RoboCup 2007 Symposium, July 9 – 10, Atlanta, USA (CD Proceedings).


32.   Ruiz-del-Solar, J., Verschae, R., Vallejos, P., and Correa, M. (2007). Face Analysis for Human Computer Interaction Applications, Proc. 2nd Int. Conf. on Computer Vision Theory and Appl. – VISAPP 2007, Special Sessions, pp. 23 – 30, March 8 – 11 2007, Barcelona, Spain.


33.   Guerrero, P., Ruiz-del-Solar, J., and Palma-Amestoy, R. (2007). Spatiotemporal Context in Robot Vision: Detection of Static Objects in the RoboCup Four Legged League, Proc. 1st Int. Workshop on Robot Vision, in 2nd Int. Conf. on Computer Vision Theory and Appl. – VISAPP 2007, pp. 136 – 148, March 8 – 11 2007, Barcelona, Spain.


34.   Ruiz-del-Solar, J., Guerrero, P., Vallejos, P., Loncomilla, P., Palma-Amestoy, R., Astudillo, P., Dodds, R., Testart, J., Montesinos, D., and Marinkovic, A. (2006). UChile1 Strikes Back, 2006 Team Description Paper, 3rd IEEE Latin American Robotics Symposium – LARS 2006, Oct. 26 - 27, Santiago, Chile (CD Proceedings).


35.   Chac—n, G., Ruiz-del-Solar, J., and S‡ez, D. (2006). Fuzzy Sliding Mode Control based on Takagi & Sugeno Model Design and its application to a Simulated Robot Hand, 3rd IEEE Latin American Robotics Symposium – LARS 2006, Oct. 26 - 27, Santiago, Chile (CD Proceedings).


36.   Palma-Amestoy, R., Guerrero, P., Vallejos, P., and Ruiz-del-Solar, J. (2006). Context - dependent color segmentation for Aibo robots, 3rd IEEE Latin American Robotics Symposium – LARS 2006, Oct. 26 - 27, Santiago, Chile (CD Proceedings).


37.   Dodds, R., Vallejos, P., and Ruiz-del-Solar, J. (2006). Probabilistic kick selection in robot soccer, 3rd IEEE Latin American Robotics Symposium – LARS 2006, Oct. 26 - 27, Santiago, Chile (CD Proceedings).


38.   Lacassie, J.P., and Ruiz-del-Solar, J. (2006). New approaches for quantitative provenance analysis: Cr-spinel case study, 2006 Int. International Sedimentological Congress, Fukuoka, Japan, 27 August – 1 Sept. 2006.


39.   Lacassie, J.P., and Ruiz-del-Solar, J. (2006). Knowledge extraction in geochemical data by using self-organizing maps. 2006 Int. Joint Conf. on Neural Networks – IJCNN 2006, Vancouver, Canada, July 16-21, 2006.


40.   Lacassie, J.P., D’az, A., and Ruiz-del-Solar, J. (2006). Aplicaci—n de redes neuronales artificiales al estudio de yacimientos metal’feros de la provincia metalogŽnica de la cordillera de la costa, Chile. XI Congreso Geol—gico Chileno, Antofagasta, Chile, 7-11 Agosto 2006.


41.   Ruiz-del-Solar, J., Vallejos, P., Guerrero,P., Loncomilla, P., Palma-Amestoy, R. (2006). UChile1 2006 Team Description Paper, RoboCup 2006 Symposium, June 19 – 20, Bremen, Germany (CD Proceedings).


42.   Ruiz-del-Solar, J., Gaete, M. (2006). RFID en la Industria Minera, 2nd Int. Conf. on Mining Innovation – MININ 2006, Santiago, Chile, May 23-26, 2006, pp. 19 - 31.


43.   Ruiz-del-Solar, J., Loncomilla, P., Vallejos, P. (2006). An automated refereeing and analysis tool for robot soccer, CVBASE '06 - Workshop on Computer Vision Based Analysis in Sport Environments (ECCV Workshop), Graz, Austria, May 12, 2006.


44.   Verschae, R., Ruiz-del-Solar, J., Kšppen, M., Garc’a, R. V. (2005). Improvement of a Face Detection System by Evolutionary Multi-Objective Optimization, 5th Int. Conf. on Hybrid Intelligent Systems - HIS 2005, pp. 361-366, Nov. 6-9, 2005, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.


45.   Ruiz-del-Solar, J., Casta–eda, V., Verschae, R., Baeza-Yates, R., and Ortiz, F. (2005). Characterizing Objectionable Image Content (Pornography and Nude Images) of specific Web Segments: Chile as a case study, LA-WEB 2005, 269 – 278, Buenos Aires, Argentina.


46.   Lastra, R., Vallejos, P., and Ruiz-del-Solar, J. (2005). Self-Localization and Ball Tracking for the RoboCup 4-Legged League, 2nd IEEE Latin American Robotics Symposium – LARS 2005, Sept. 21 - 23, Sao Luis, Brazil (CD Proceedings).


47.   Ruiz-del-Solar, J., Vallejos, P., Loncomilla, P., Lastra, R. and Mor‡n, C. (2005). UChile1 2005 TDP for the LA-RoboCup Open, 2nd IEEE Latin American Robotics Symposium – LARS 2005, Sept. 21 - 23, Sao Luis, Brazil (CD Proceedings).


48.   Ruiz-del-Solar, J., Vallejos, P., Lastra, R., Loncomilla, P., Zagal, J.C., Mor‡n, C., and Sarmiento, I. (2005). UChile1 2005 Team Description Paper, RoboCup 2005 Symposium, July 13 – 17, Osaka, Japan (CD Proceedings).


49.   Olivares, X., Ruiz-del-Solar, J., and Zagal, J. (2004). On-line Learning of an Object Manipulation Behavior for Legged Robots, 1st IEEE Latin American Robotics Symposium – LARS 2004, 42 – 27, Oct. 28 – 29, MŽxico City, MŽxico.


50.   Lastra, R., Vallejos, P., and Ruiz-del-Solar, J. (2004). Integrated Self-Localization and Ball Tracking in the Four-Legged Robot Soccer League,1st IEEE Latin American Robotics Symposium – LARS 2004, 54 – 59, Oct. 28 – 29, MŽxico City, MŽxico.


51.   Vallejos, P., Ruiz-del-Solar, J., and Duvost, A. (2004). Cooperative Strategy using Dynamic Role Assignment and Potential Fields Path Planning, 1st IEEE Latin American Robotics Symposium – LARS 2004, 48 – 53, Oct. 28 – 29, MŽxico City, MŽxico.


52.   Ruiz-del-Solar, J. and Verschae, R. (2004). Robust Skin Segmentation using Neighborhood Information. Int. Conf. on Image Processing - ICIP 2004, 207 – 210, Oct. 24 – 27, Singapore.


53.   Lacassie, J.P., Ruiz-del-Solar, J., Roser, B., and HervŽ, F. (2004). Geochemical data visualization and classification with Neural Networks. 32nd Int. Geological Congress - 32ICG, Florence, Italy, 20 – 28 August 2004.


54.   Lacassie, J.P. and Ruiz-del-Solar, J., Roser, B., Ortiz, E. (2004). Discovering Geochemical Patterns using Artificial Neural Networks: Kando River Case Study. Geoscienceafrica 2004, Johannesburg, South Africa, 12 – 16 July 2004.


55.   Zagal, J., Ruiz-del-Solar, J., Vallejos, P. (2004). Back to Reality: Crossing the Reality Gap in Evolutionary Robotics. 5th IFAC/EURON Symposium on Intelligent Autonomous Vehicles - IAV2004, Lisbon, Portugal, 5 – 7 July 2004 (CD Proceedings).


56.   Ruiz-del-Solar, J., Vallejos, P., Zagal, J., Lastra, R., Castro, G., Gortaris, C., and Sarmiento, I. (2004). UChile1 2004 Team Description Paper. Proc. of the RoboCup 2004 Symposium, July 4 – 5, Lisbon, Portugal (CD Proceedings).


57.   Ruiz-del-Solar, J. and Verschae, R. (2004). Skin Detection using Neighborhood Information. 6th Int. Conf. on Face and Gesture Recognition – FG 2004, 463 – 468, Seoul, Korea, May 2004.


58.   Ruiz-del-Solar, J., Zagal, J., and Salazar, R. (2003). Fśtbol Rob—tico: El Campeonato de Fśtbol Robocup, Proc. of the First Latinamerican Conf. on Robotics and Automation – LCRA 2003, 219 - 223, Nov. 24 – 26, 2003, Santiago, Chile.


59.   Zagal, J., and Ruiz-del-Solar, J. (2003). Supervised Visual Calibration for Legged Robots, Proc. of the First Latinamerican Conf. on Robotics and Automation – LCRA 2003, 43 - 50, Nov. 24 – 26, 2003, Santiago, Chile.


60.   Olivares, X., Zagal, J., and Ruiz-del-Solar, J. (2003). Learning to Configure Objects with Legged Robots, Proc. of the First Latinamerican Conf. on Robotics and Automation – LCRA 2003, 43 - 50, Nov. 24 – 26, 2003, Santiago, Chile.


61.   Palma-Amestoy, R, and Ruiz-del-Solar, J. (2003). Navegaci—n Reactiva y Creaci—n de Mapas de Entorno En-l’nea, Proc. of the First Latinamerican Conf. on Robotics and Automation – LCRA 2003, 33 - 42, Nov. 24 – 26, 2003, Santiago, Chile.


62.   Jaimes, A., Ruiz-del-Solar, J., Verschae, R., Yaksic, D., Baeza-Yates, R., Davis, E., Castillo, C. (2003). On the Image Content of the Web in Chile. Proc. of the First Latin American Web Congress, 72 – 83, Nov. 10 – 12, Santiago, Chile.


63.   Lacassie, J., HervŽ. F., Ruiz-del-Solar, J., and Roser, B. (2003). Sedimentary provenance and tectonic regime of the depositional basin of the Duque de York metamorphic complex, Magallanes, Chile. Proc. of the Workshop Subduction Zone Processes in Southern Chile, Oct. 12-14, 2003, Puc—n, Chile. (accepted)


64.   Lacassie, J., Ruiz del Solar, J., Roser, B., Belousova, E., Ortiz, E., and HervŽ. F. (2003). Discovering geochemical patterns using Self-organizing neural networks: a new perspective for analysis in the Earth Sciences. Proc. of the Workshop on Self-Organizing Maps - WSOM 03, 191 – 196, September 11 – 14, Hibikino, Kitakyushu, Japan.


65.   Ruiz-del-Solar, J., Shats, A. and Verschae, R. (2003). Real-Time Tracking of Multiple Persons. Proc. of the 12th Int. Conf. on Image Analysis and Processing – ICIAP 2003, 109 – 113, September, Mantova, Italy.


66.   Ruiz-del-Solar, J., Zagal, J., Guerrero, P., Vallejos, P., Middleton, C. and Olivares, X. (2003). UChile1 Team Description Paper. Proc. of the RoboCup 2003 Symposium, July 9 - 11, Padova, Italy.


67.   Escobar, M.J., and Ruiz-del-Solar, J. (2002). Biologically-based Face Recognition using Gabor Filters and Log-Polar Images. Proc. of the 2002 Int. Joint Conf. on Neural Networks – IJCNN 2002, 1143 – 1147, May 12-17, Honolulu, USA.


68.   Navarrete, P., and Ruiz-del-Solar, J. (2002). Interactive Face Retrieval using Self-Organizing Maps. Proc. of the 2002 Int. Joint Conf. on Neural Networks – IJCNN 2002, 687 – 691, May 12-17, Honolulu, USA.


69.   Ruiz-del-Solar, J., and Shats, E. (2001). Dise–o y Construcci—n de un Sistema M—vil Controlado desde Internet. Proc. of the XIV Congreso Chileno de Ingenier’a ElŽctrica, Nov. 19-23, Antofagasta, Chile (6 pages, CD Proceedings).


70.   Parada, P., Ruiz-del-Solar, J., Kšppen, M., and Plagges, W. (2001). Interactive Texture Synthesis. Proc. of the 11th Int. Conf. on Image Analysis and Processing – ICIAP 2001, 434-439, Sept. 26-28, Palermo, Italy.


71.   Parada, P., and Ruiz-del-Solar, J. (2001). Texture Synthesis using Image Pyramids and Self-Organizing Maps. Proc. of the 11th Int. Conf. on Image Analysis and Processing – ICIAP 2001, 244-249, Sept. 26-28, Palermo, Italy.


72.   Navarrete, P., and Ruiz-del-Solar, J. (2001). Eigenspace-based Recognition of Faces: Comparisons and a new Approach. Proc. of the 11th Int. Conf. on Image Analysis and Processing – ICIAP 2001, 42-47, Sept. 26-28, Palermo, Italy.


73.   Ruiz-del-Solar, J., and Jochmann, M. (2001). On Determining Human Description of Textures. Proc. of the 12th Scandinavian Conf. on Image Analysis - SCIA 2001, 288-294, June 11-14, Bergen, Norway.


74.   Ruiz-del-Solar, J., and Kottow, D. (2001). Automatic Gabor-like Filter Generation using Adaptive-Subspace Self-Organizing Maps. Proc. of the 5th Int. Conf. on Cognitive and Neural Systems - ICCNS 2001, May 31 – June 2, Boston, USA.


75.   Parada, P., Ruiz-del-Solar, J., and Kšppen, M. (2000). Generaci—n Interactiva de Texturas mediante Algoritmos GenŽticos. Proc. of the XIV Congreso de la Asociaci—n Chilena de Control Autom‡tico, 322-328, Oct. 23-27, Concepci—n, Chile.


76.   Kšppen, M., and Ruiz-del-Solar, J. (2000). Steady-State Image Operators. Proc. of the 5th Online World Conference on Soft Computing in Industrial Applications (WSC5), 290-295 (CD Proceedings, ISBN: 951-22-5205-8), Sept. 4 –18 in the Internet.


77.   Ruiz-del-Solar, J., EstŽvez, P., Held, C., Holzmann, C., and PŽrez, C. (2000). Procesamiento de Im‡genes y Reconocimiento de Patrones en el Departamento de Ingenier’a ElŽctrica de la Universidad de Chile. Proc. of the Foro Iberoamericano de Reconocimiento de Formas y An‡lisis de Im‡genes, Chap. 11, 95-109, Sept. 8, Barcelona, Spain.


78.   Ruiz-del-Solar, J., and Soria-Frisch, A. (2000). Bio-inspired Framework for the Fusion of Chromatic, Infrared and Textural Information. Proc. of the 15th Int. Conf. on Pattern Recognition – ICPR 2000, Vol. 3, 576-579, Sept., 3-7, Barcelona, Spain.


79.   Ruiz-del-Solar, J., and Kottow, D. (2000). Neural-based Architectures for the Segmentation of Textures. Proc. of the 15th Int. Conf. on Pattern Recognition – ICPR 2000, Vol. 3, 1092-1095, Sept., 3-7, Barcelona, Spain.


80.   Parada, P., Ruiz-del-Solar, J., and Kšppen, M. (2000). S’ntesis de Texturas mediante Soft-Computing. Proc. of the INTERCON 2000, August 2000, Lima, Perś.


81.   Ruiz-del-Solar, J., and Kšppen, M. (2000). Texture Identification using a Computational Model of Autopoiesis. Proc. of the Fourth Asian Fuzzy Systems Symposium – AFSS 2000, 10 – 15, May 31 – June 3, Tsukuba, Japan.


82.   Ruiz-del-Solar, J., Parada, P., and Kšppen, M. (2000). Texture Synthesis using Soft- Computing. Proc. of the Fourth Asian Fuzzy Systems Symposium – AFSS 2000, 605 – 610, May 31 – June 3, Tsukuba, Japan.


83.   Kottow, D., and Ruiz-del-Solar, J. (2000). Texture Segmentation by bio-inspired use of Self-Organizing Networks. Proc. of the Neural Computation 2000 – NC 2000, 779 – 785, May 23 - 26, Berlin, Germany.


84.   Ruiz-del-Solar, J., and Soria-Frisch, A. (2000). Bio-inspired Color Vision for the Fusion of Chromatic, Infrared and Textural Information. Proc. of the Neural Computation 2000 – NC 2000, 786 – 792, May 23 - 26, Berlin, Germany.


85.   Kottow, D., and Ruiz-del-Solar, J. (1999). Generation of gabor-like feature filters using a growing neural network. Proc. of the XIII Congreso Chileno de Ingenier’a ElŽctrica - ELECTRO '99, 49-54, Nov. 8-12, Santiago de Chile, Chile.


86.   Morales, D., and Ruiz-del-Solar, J. (1999). Transformada de Hough generalizada para el matching de huellas dactilares. Proc. of the XIII Congreso Chileno de Ingenier’a ElŽctrica - ELECTRO '99, 43-48, Nov. 8-12, Santiago de Chile, Chile.


87.   Roco, L., and Ruiz-del-Solar, J. (1999). WEBIMAGE: Servidor de Base de Datos de Im‡genes accesible desde Internet. Proc. of the XIII Congreso Chileno de Ingenier’a ElŽctrica - ELECTRO '99, 650-655, Nov. 8-12, Santiago de Chile, Chile.


88.   Ruiz-del-Solar, J. (1999). Sistema neuro-fuzzy de administraci—n de bases de datos de texturas. Proc. of the XIII Congreso Chileno de Ingenier’a ElŽctrica - ELECTRO '99, 55-60, Nov. 8-12, Santiago de Chile, Chile.


89.   Ruiz-del-Solar, J. (1999). Computational Autopoiesis and Texture Analysis. Proc. of the 4th Online World Conference on Soft Computing in Industrial Applications – WSC4.


90.   Soria-Frisch, A., Ruiz-del-Solar, J. (1999). Towards a Biologically-based Fusion of Color and Infrared Textural Image Information. Proc. of the Workshop on Intelligent Signal Processing – WISP '99, 40 – 45, Sept. 4 – 7, Budapest, Hungary.


91.   Kottow, D., and Ruiz-del-Solar, J. (1999). A new neural network model for automatic generation of Gabor-like feature filters. Proc. of the Int. Joint Conf. On Neural Networks – IJCNN '99, July 10 – 16, Washington, USA (CD Proceedings, ISBN 0-7803-5532-6).


92.   Ruiz-del-Solar, J. (1999). Computational Autopoiesis and Image Analysis. Proc. of the Int. Workshop. on Soft Computing in Industry – IWSCI «99, 210-214, June 16-18, Muroran, Japan.


93.   Lohmann, L., Nowack, Ch., and Ruiz-del-Solar, J. (1999). A robust Architecture for the Automatic Edge Detection in real-world Scenes. Proc. of the Third Int. ICSC Symposia on Soft Computing – SOCO «99, June 1-4, Genova, Italy.


94.   Ruiz-del-Solar, J., and Kšppen, M. (1999). Autopoiesis and Image Processing II: Autopoietic-agents for Texture Analysis. Computational Intelligence for Modelling, Control and Automation, M. Mohammadian (Ed.), 72-76, IOS Press.


95.   Kšppen, M., and Ruiz-del-Solar, J. (1999). Autopoiesis and Image Processing I: Detection of image structures by using auto-projective operators. Computational Intelligence for Modelling, Control and Automation, M. Mohammadian (Ed.), 66-71, IOS Press.


96.   Ruiz-del-Solar, J., Nowack, C. (1998). The Vipol Sensor: An example of biological-based image processing. VIII Congreso Latinoamericano de Control Autom‡tico - CLCA 98, 225-230, Nov. 9-13, Vi–a del Mar, Chile.


97.   Ruiz-del-Solar, J. (1998). Inspecci—n Visual de Superficies Texturadas mediante TŽcnicas de Procesamiento de Im‡genes. VIII Congreso Latinoamericano de Control Autom‡tico - CLCA 98, 297-302, Nov. 9-13, Vi–a del Mar, Chile.


98.   Lohmann, L., Nowack, Ch., and Ruiz-del-Solar, J. (1998). A robust Architecture for Edge Detection in real-world Scenes. Proc. of the Workshop on Texture AnalysisWTA «98,  125-135, Oct. 7-8, Freiburg, Germany.


99.   Kšppen, M., Ruiz-del-Solar, J., and Soille, P. (1998). Texture Segmentation by biologically-inspired use of Neural Networks and Mathematical Morphology. Proc. of the Symposium on Neural Computation NC 98, 267-272, Sept. 23-25, Vienna, Austria.


100.Ruiz-del-Solar, J. (1998). A Fuzzy-based Operator for Symmetrical Object Detection. Proc. of the Seventh IEEE Int. Conf. on Fuzzy Systems - FUZZ-IEEE 98, 1609-1612, May 4-9, Anchorage, USA.


101.Kšppen, M., and Ruiz-del-Solar, J. (1997). Fuzzy-based Texture Retrieval. Proc. of the Sixth IEEE Int. Conf. on Fuzzy Systems - FUZZ-IEEE 97, 471-475, July 1-5, Barcelona, Spain.


102.Ruiz-del-Solar, J., Nowack, C., and Schneider, B. (1997). VIPOL: A Virtual Polar-Logarithmic Sensor. Proc. of the 10th Scandinavian Conf. on Image Analysis - SCIA 97, 739-744, June 9-11, Lappeenranta, Finland.


103.Ruiz-del-Solar, J. (1997). TEXSOM: A new Architecture for Texture Segmentation. Proc. of the Workshop on Self-Organizing Maps - WSOM 97, 227-232, June 4-6, Espoo, Finland.


104.Ruiz-del-Solar, J., Nowack, C., and Nickolay, B. (1996). Automatische Muffenerkennung fźr die Rohr- und Kanalinspektion mittels eines Multi-Resolution-Verfahrens. Proc. of the 18. DAGM-Symposium - Mustererkennung 1996, 575-581, September 11-13, Heidelberg, Germany.


105.Ruiz-del-Solar, J., and Kšppen, M. (1996). Automatic generation of Oriented Filters for Texture Segmentation. Proc. of the Int. Workshop on Neural Networks for Identification, Control, Robotics & Signal/Image Processing - NICROSP '96, 212-220, August 21-23, Venice, Italy.


106.Ruiz-del-Solar, J. (1995). Aplicaci—n de Redes Neuronales a la Inspecci—n Visual de Tuber’as. Proc. of the XI Congreso Chileno de Ingenier’a ElŽctrica - ELECTRO '95, C_001-C_005, Punta Arenas, Chile.


107.Ruiz-del-Solar, J., and Kšppen, M. (1995). Sewage Pipe Image Segmentation using Neural Networks. Proc. of the Int. Conf. on Engineering Appl. of Neural Networks - EANN 95, 79-82, August 21-23, Espoo, Finland.


108.Ruiz-del-Solar, J. (1992). Software Development in TCP/IP Environment. Proc. of the Conference CONESCAPAN XI, Ciudad de Guatemala, Guatemala.


109.Ruiz-del-Solar, J. (1992). An‡lisis de Rendimiento de la Familia de Protocolos CSMA/CD. Proc. of the Conference INGELECTRA '92, Concepci—n, Chile.


110.Ruiz-del-Solar, J. (1991). Filtrado Digital de Im‡genes. Proc. of the Conference INGELECTRA '91, Arica, Chile.


111.Hernandez, J., and Ruiz-del-Solar, J. (1991). Aspectos de Software de un Esquema Multinivel Generalizado para Control Inteligente de Manipuladores Rob—ticos. Proc. of the IX Congreso Chileno de Ingenier’a ElŽctrica - ELECTRO '91, Arica, Chile.



E. Tutorials, Technical Reports and other Technical Texts


1.     Ruiz-del-Solar, J. (2001). Modelos Neuronales BCS y FCS, In A. Glar’a & P. Arellano (Eds.), M‡quinas que Aprenden, T—picos de Redes de Neuronas Artificiales, E-Libro, 208-229 (


2.     Ruiz-del-Solar, J. (2001). El Sistema Visual Primario, In A. Glar’a & P. Arellano (Eds.), M‡quinas que Aprenden, T—picos de Redes de Neuronas Artificiales, E-Libro, 44-74 (


3.     Ruiz-del-Solar, J. (2001). Reconocimiento de Caras. Presented at the XIV Congreso Chileno de Ingenier’a ElŽctrica, Nov. 19-23, Antofagasta, Chile (Invited Tutorial).


4.     Ruiz-del-Solar, J., and Morales D. (2000). Sistemas BiomŽtricos: Una Introducci—n Tutorial. Presented at the VII Congreso Int. de Ing. Electr—nica, ElŽctrica y de Sistemas - INTERCON 2000, August 15-18, Lima, Perś (Invited Tutorial).


5.     Ruiz-del-Solar, J. (1999). Modelos Biol—gicos y Procesamiento de Im‡genes. Presented at the VI Congreso Int. de Ing. Electr—nica, ElŽctrica y de Sistemas - INTERCON Ő99, August 17-20, Lima, Perś (Invited Tutorial).


6.     Ruiz-del-Solar, J. (1997). Texture Analysis using Self-Organizing Maps. Presented at the Int. Post-Graduate Course on Neural Networks and Applications, August 20-23, Montevideo, Uruguay (Invited Tutorial).


7.     Ruiz-del-Solar, J. (1997). Biological Models and Image Processing. Presented at the Int. Post-Graduate Course on Neural Networks and Applications, August 20-23, Montevideo, Uruguay (Invited Tutorial).


8.     Ruiz-del-Solar, J. (1996). Corteza Visual y Procesamiento de Im‡genes. Presented at the 3er Curso Int. sobre Redes de Neuronas, May 22-25, Valpara’so, Chile (Invited Tutorial).