Publications Roger Bustamante





1.     K.R. Rajagopal, R. Bustamante, Constitutive relations for anisotropic porous solids undergoing small strains whose material moduli depend on the density and the pressure. International Journal of Engineering Science, 195 (2024) 104005.

2.     R. Bustamante, A beam theory for a new class of constitutive relation for elastic bodies. Mathematics and Mechanics of Solids, 28 (2023) 1545-1575.

3.     M.H.B.M. Shariff, J. Merodio, R. Bustamante, A. Laadhari, A Non-second-gradient model for nonlinear electroelastic bodies with fibre stiffness. Symmetry, 15 (2023) 1065.

4.     M.H.B.M. Shariff, J. Merodio, R. Bustamante, A non-second-gradient model for nonlinear elastic bodies with fibre stiffness. Scientific Reports, 13 (2023) 6562.

5.     B. Wang, R. Bustamante, L. Kari, X. Gong, Modelling the influence of magnetic fields to the viscoelastic behaviour of soft magnetorheological elastomers under finite strains. International Journal of Plasticity, 164 (2023) 103578

6.     M.H.B.M. Shariff, R. Bustamante, M. Hossain, A generalised time-dependent mathematical formulation for magnetoelectrically coupled soft solids at finite strains. Symmetry, 15 (2023) 628.

7.     R. Bustamante, Incremental equations and propagation of small amplitude waves for isotropic incompressible elastic bodies. The case the Hencky strain tensor is a function of the Cauchy stress tensor. International Journal of Engineering Science, 183 (2023) 103808.

8.     R. Bustamante, K.R. Rajagopal, Applications of implicit constitutive theory for describing the elastic response of rocks and concrete. Archive of Mechanics, 74 (2022) 513--547.

9.     A. Melnikov, J. Merodio, R. Bustamante, L. Dorfmann, Bifurcation analysis of residually stressed neo-Hookean and Ogden electroelastic tubes. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A, 380 (2022) 20210331. 

10. M.H.B.M. Shariff, J. Merodio, R. Bustamante, Nonlinear elastic constitutive relations of residually stressed composites with stiff curved fibres. Applied Mathematics and Mechanics, 43 (2022) 1515--1530.

11. R. Ibarra, R. Bustamante, Analysis of the propagation of small-amplitude waves in nonlinear elastic solids for problems with infinitesimal strains. Wave Motion, 113 (2022) 102985

12. R. Bustamante, K.R. Rajagopal, A three-dimensional implicit constitutive relation for a body exhibiting stress softening. Part II: Analysis of some boundary value problems. Acta Mechanica, 233 (2022) 3319--3335.

13. R. Bustamante, K.R. Rajagopal, A three-dimensional implicit constitutive relation for a body exhibiting stress softening. Part I: Theoretical underpinning. Acta Mechanica, 233 (2022) 2541-2559.

14. R. Bustamante, K.R. Rajagopal, On the response of anisotropic elastic bodies described by implicit constitutive relations. Zeitschrift fur angewandte Mathematik und Mechanik, 102 (2022) e202200029

15. N. Yevenes, R. Bustamante, A nonlinear constitutive model for some hard electro-elastic solids. Solutions of some boundary value problems. Applications in Engineering Science, 11 (2022) 100109.

16. M.H.B.M. Shariff, J. Merodio, R. Bustamante, Finite deformations of fibre-reinforced elastic solids with fibre bending stiffness: A spectral approach. Journal of Applied and Computational Mechanics, 8 (2022) 1332-1342.

17. M.H.B.M. Shariff, M. Hossain, R. Bustamante, J. Merodio, Modelling the residually stressed magneto-electrically coupled soft elastic materials. International Journal of Nonlinear Mechanics, 137 (2021) 103802.

18. R. Bustamante, A note on a new constitutive model for rubber-like solids. Mechanics Research Communications, 117 (2021) 103775.

19. R. Bustamante, K. R. Rajagopal, A new type of constitutive equation for nonlinear elastic bodies. Fitting with experimental data for rubber-like materials. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London A, 477 (2021)

20. R. Bustamante, K.R. Rajagopal, The circumferential shearing of a cylindrical annulus of viscoelastic solids described by implicit constitutive relations. Acta Mechanica, 232 (2021) 2679-2694.

21. J. Tobar, L. Andueza, A. Jimenez, R. Bustamante, J. Carvajal, Micromotion analysis of immediately loaded implants with titanium and cobalt-chrome superstructures. 3D finite element analysis. Clinical and Experimental Dental Research, 7 (2021) 581--590.

22. R. Bustamante, K.R. Rajagopal, A class of transversely isotropic non-linear elastic bodies that is not Green elastic. Journal of Engineering Mathematics, 127 (2021) 2.

23. R. Bustamante, M. Hossain, M.H.B.M. Shariff, A generalized mathematical formulation for magneto-electrically coupled soft materials at finite strains. International Journal of Engineering Science 159 (2021) 103429.

24. R. Bustamante, C. Ortiz, A bimodular nonlinear constitutive equation for rock. Applications in Engineering Science, 8 (2021) 100067.

25. M.H.B.M. Shariff, R. Bustamante, A spectral approach for nonlinear transversely isotropic elastic bodies, for a new class of constitutive equation. Applications to rock mechanics. Acta Mechanica 231 (2020) 4803-4818.

26. R. Bustamante, K.R. Rajagopal, R. Meneses, O. Orellana, Implicit constitutive relations for visco-elastic solids: Part II. Non-homogeneous deformations. International Journal of Nonlinear Mechanics 126 (2020) 103560.

27. R. Bustamante, K.R. Rajagopal, R. Meneses, O. Orellana, Implicit constitutive relations for describing the response of visco-elastic bodies. International Journal of Nonlinear Mechanics 126 (2020) 103526.

28. M.H.B.M. Shariff, R. Bustamante, J. Merodio, A nonlinear spectral rate-dependent constitutive equation for electro-viscoelastic solids. Zeitschrift fur angewandte Mathematik und Physik 71 (2020) 126.

29. R. Bustamante, Some universal solutions for a class of incompressible elastic body that is not Green elastic. The case of large elastic deformations. The Quarterly Journal of Mechanics and Applied Mathematics 73 (2020) 177-199.

30. R. Bustamante, New classes of electro-elastic and thermo-electro-elastic bodies that are not Green elastic. International Journal of Engineering Science 152 (2020) 103308.

31. M.H.B.M. Shariff, R. Bustamante, J. Merodio, A nonlinear constitutive model for a two preferred direction electro-elastic body with residual stresses. International Journal of Nonlinear Mechanics 119 (2020) 103352.

32. M.H.B.M. Shariff, R. Bustamante, J. Merodio, A nonlinear electro-elastic model with residual stresses and a preferred direction Mathematics and Mechanics of Solids 25 (2020) 838-865

33. R. Bustamante, Some universal solutions for incompressible elastic bodies that are not Green elastic. International Journal of Engineering Science 149 (2020) 103223.

34. R. Bustamante, Corrigendum: Direct determination of stresses from the stress equations of motion and wave propagation for a new class of elastic bodies. Mathematics and Mechanics of Solids 25 (2020) 866-868.

35. R. Bustamante, S. Montero, A. Ortiz-Bernardin, A novel nonlinear constitutive model for rock: numerical assessment and benchmarking. Applications in Engineering Science 3 (2020) 100012.

36. M.H.B.M. Shariff, R. Bustamante, A consistent isotropic spectral constitutive equation: The infinitesimal strain depends nonlinearly on the stress. Applications in Engineering Science 1 (2020) 100007.

37. M.H.B.M. Shariff, R. Bustamante, J. Merodio, Nonlinear electro-elastic bodies with residual stresses: Spectral formulation. The Quarterly Journal of Mechanics and Applied Mathematics 71 (2018) 485-504

38. R. Bustamante, K.R. Rajagopal, Modeling residual stresses in elastic bodies described by implicit constitutive relations. International Journal of Nonlinear Mechanics, 105 (2018) 113-129.

39. R. Bustamante, K.R. Rajagopal, Correction to: On a new class of electroelastic bodies. I. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London, 473 (2018) 20170523

40. R. Bustamante, K.R. Rajagopal, A nonlinear model for describing the mechanical behaviour of rock. Acta Mechanica 229 (2018) 251-272

41. R. Meneses, O. Orellana, R. Bustamante, A note on the wave equation for a new class of constitutive relation for nonlinear elastic bodies. Mathematics and Mechanics of Solids 23 (2018)148-158

42. M.H.B.M. Shariff, R. Bustamante, J. Merodio, Rate type constitutive equations for fiber reinforced nonlinearly vicoelastic solids using spectral invariants. Mechanics Research Communications 84 (2017) 60-64

43. M.H.B.M. Shariff, R. Bustamante, J. Merodio, On the spectral analysis of residual stress in finite elasticity. IMA Journal of Applied Mathematics 82 (2017) 656-680.

44. R. Bustamante, K.R. Rajagopal, Implicit equations for thermoelastic bodies. International Journal of Non-linear Mechanics 92 (2017) 144-152

45. M.H.B.M Shariff, R. Bustamante, M. Hossain and P. Steinmann, A novel spectral formulation for nonlinear transversely magnetoelastic deformations. Mathematics and Mechanics of Solids 22 (2017) 1158-1176.

46. R. Bustamante, Solutions of some boundary value problems for a class of constitutive relation for nonlinear elastic bodies that is not Green elastic. The Quarterly Journal of Mechanics and Applied Mathematics, 69 (2016) 257-279.

47. M.H.B.M. Shariff, R. Bustamante, An anisotropic model for the Mullins effect in magneto-active rubber-like materials. Journal of Mechanics of Materials and Structures, 11 (2016) 559-582.

48. P. Arrue, R. Bustamante, D. Sfyris, A note on incremental equations for a new class of constitutive relation for elastic bodies. Wave Motion 65 (2016) 44-54

49. D. Sfyris, G.I. Sfyris and R. Bustamante, Nonlinear electro-magneto-mechanical constitutive modeling of monolayer graphene. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London A 472 (2016) 20150750

50. R. Bustamante, O. Orellana, R. Meneses and K.R. Rajagopal, Large deformations of a new class of incompressible elastic bodies. Zeitschrift fur angewandte Mathematik und Physik 67 (2016) 47

51. R. Bustamante, M.H.B.M. Shariff, New set of invariants for an electro-elastic body with one and two families of fibres. European Journal of Mechanics A 58 (2016) 42-53.

52. S. Montero, R. Bustamante, A. Ortiz, Numerical study of some plane stress problems for a new class of constitutive relation for elastic bodies. Acta Mechanica, 227 (2016) 601-615.

53. R. Bustamante, K. R. Rajagopal, On the consequences of the constraint of incompressibility with regard to a new class of constitutive relations for elastic bodies. Small displacement gradient approximation. Continuum Mechanics and Thermodynamics 28 (2016) 293-303.

54. R. Bustamante, K. R. Rajagopal, Study of a new class of non-linear inextensible elastic bodies. Zeitschrift fur angewandte Mathematik und Physik 66 (2015) 3663-3677.

55. R. Bustamante, K. R. Rajagopal, A note on some new classes of constitutive relations for elastic bodies, IMA Journal of Applied Mathematics, 80 (2015) 1287-1299.

56. R. Bustamante, K. R. Rajagopal, Implicit constitutive relations in nonlinear magneto-elasticity. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London A, 471 (2015) 20140959

57. M.H.B.M. Shariff, R. Bustamante, On the strain invariants for a body with two preferred directions in nonlinear elasticity. International Journal of Engineering Science 97 (2015) 18-25

58. D. Sfyris, R. Bustamante, On the treatment of non-solvable implicit constitutive relations in solid mechanics, Zeitschrift fur angewandte Mathematik und Physik, 66 (2015) 1165-1774

59. R. Bustamante, K. R. Rajagopal, Solutions of some boundary value problems for a new class of elastic bodies. Comparison with the classical theory of linear elasticity: Part I Problems with cylindrical symmetry. Acta Mechanica, 226 (2015) 1815-1838

60. R. Bustamante, K. R. Rajagopal, Solutions of some boundary value problems for a new class of elastic bodies. Comparison with the classical theory of linear elasticity: Part II A problem with spherical symmetry. Acta Mechanica, 226 (2015) 1807-1813

61. E. Salas, R. Bustamante, Numerical solution of some boundary value problems in nonlinear magnetoelasticity, Journal of Intelligent Material Systems and Structures, 26 (2015) 156-171.

62. R. Bustamante, M.H.B.M. Shariff, A principal axis formulation for nonlinear magnetoelastic deformations: Isotropic bodies, European Journal of Mechanics, 50 (2015) 17-27

63. R. Bustamante, D. Sfyris, Direct determination of stresses from the stress equations of motion and wave propagation for a new class of elastic bodies, Mathematics and Mechanics of Solids, 20 (2015) 80-91

64. A. Ortiz-Bernardin, R. Bustamante, K. R. Rajagopal, A numerical study of elastic bodies that are described by constitutive equations that exhibit limited strains, International Journal of Solids and Structures, 51 (2014) 875-885

65. D. Sfyris, R. Bustamante, Use of some theorems related with the tensor equation AX+XA=H for some classes of implicit constitutive relations, The Quarterly Journal of Mechanics and Applied Mathematics, 66 (2013) 157-163

66.  R. Bustamante, R. W. Ogden, Nonlinear magnetoelastostatics: energy functional and their second variations, Mathematics and Mechanics of Solids, 18 (2013) 760-772.

67. R. Bustamante, K. R. Rajagopal, On a new class of electroelastic bodies. II. Boundary value problems, Proceedings of the Royal Society of London A, 469 (2013) 20130106.

68. R. Bustamante, K. R. Rajagopal, On a new class of electroelastic bodies: Part I, Proceedings of the Royal Society of London A, 469 (2013) 20120521.

69. F. Vogel, R. Bustamante, P. Steinmann, On some mixed variational principles in magneto elastostatics. International Journal of Nonlinear Mechanics, 51 (2013) 157-169

70. G. deBotton, R. Bustamante, A. Dorfmann, Axisymmetric bifurcations of thick spherical shells under inflation and compression, International Journal of Solids and Structures, 50 (2013) 403-413

71. R. Bustamante, J. Merodio, On weak formulations and their second variation in nonlinear electroelasticity, Mechanics Research Communications, 46 (2012) 15-19

72. R. Bustamante, K. R. Rajagopal, On the inhomogeneous shearing of a new class of elastic bodies, Mathematics and Mechanics of Solids, 17 (2012) 762-778

73. A. Ortiz, R. Bustamante, K. R. Rajagopal, A numerical study of a plate with a hole for a new class of elastic bodies, Acta Mechanica, 223 (2012) 1971-1981

74. F. Vogel, R. Bustamante, P. Steinmann, On mixed variational principles in electro-elastostatics, International Journal of Nonlinear Mechanics, 47 (2012) 341-354

75. R. Bustamante, K. R. Rajagopal, Solutions of some simple boundary value problems within the context of a new class of elastic bodies, International Journal of Nonlinear Mechanics, 46 (2011) 376-386

76. R. Bustamante, J. Merodio, Constitutive structure in coupled non-linear electro-elasticity: Invariant descriptions and constitutive restrictions, International Journal of Nonlinear Mechanics, 46 (2011) 1315-1323

77. R. Bustamante, A. Dorfmann and R. W. Ogden, Numerical solution of finite geometry boundary-value problems in nonlinear magnetoelasticity, International Journal of Solids and Structures, 48 (2011) 874-883

78. R. Bustamante, G. Holzapfel, Methods to compute 3D residual stress distributions in hyperelastic tubes with application to arterial walls, International Journal of Engineering Science, 48 (2010) 1066-1082

79. R. Bustamante, J. Merodio, On some simple constitutive restrictions for transversely isotropic nonlinearly elastic materials and isotropic magneto-sensitive elastomers, Journal of Engineering Mathematics, 68 (2010), 15-26

80. R. Bustamante, K. R. Rajagopal, A note on plane strain and plane stress problems for a new class of elastic bodies, Mathematics and Mechanics of Solids, 15 (2010), 229-238

81. R. Bustamante, Transversely isotropic nonlinearly magnetoelastic solids, Acta Mechanica, 210 (2010), 183-214

82. R. Bustamante, A variational formulation for a boundary value problem considering an electro-sensitive elastomer interacting with two bodies, Mechanics Research Communications, 36 (2009), 791-795

83. R. Bustamante, A. Dorfmann and R. W. Ogden, On electric body forces and Maxwell stresses in an electroelastic solid, International Journal of Engineering Science, 47 (2009) 1131-1141

84. R. Bustamante, Some topics on a new class of elastic bodies, Proceedings of the Royal Society of London, Series A, 465 (2009) 1377-1392

85. R. Bustamante, Mathematical modelling of boundary conditions for magneto -sensitive elastomers: variational formulations, Journal of Engineering Mathematics, 64 (2009) 285-301

86. R. Bustamante, Transversely isotropic non-linear electro-active elastomer, Acta Mechanica, 206 (2009) 237-259

87. R. Bustamante, A. Dorfmann and R. W. Ogden, Nonlinear electroelastostatics: a variational framework, Zeitschrift fur angewandte Mathematik und Physik 60 (2009) 154-177

88. R. Bustamante, A. Dorfmann and R. W. Ogden, On variational formulations in nonlinear magneto-elastostatics, Mathematics and Mechanics of Solids 13 (2008) 435-450

89. R. Bustamante, A. Dorfmann and R. W. Ogden, A nonlinear magnetoelastic tube under extension and inflation in an axial magnetic field: numerical solution, Journal of Engineering Mathematics 59 (2007) 139-153

90. R. Bustamante, A. Dorfmann and R. W. Ogden, Universal relations in isotropic nonlinear magnetoelasticity, The Quarterly Journal of Mechanics and Applied Mathematics 59 (2006) 435-450

91. R. Bustamante, R. W. Ogden, On nonlinear universal relations in nonlinear elasticity, Zeitschrift fur angewandte Mathematik und Physik 57 (2006) 708-721

92. R. Bustamante, R. W. Ogden, Universal relations for nonlinear electroelastic solids, Acta Mechanica 182 (2006) 125-140

Papers in preparation, submitted or accepted

1.     R Bustamante, M.H.B.M. Shariff, On a class of nonlinear isotropic thermo-elastic body that is non-Green elastic: Applications to large elastic deformations. The Quarterly Journal of Mechanics and Applied Mathematics, (In Press),

2.     R. Bustamante, K.R. Rajagopal, O. Orellana, Circumferential shear for an incompressible non-Green elastic cylindrical annulus. Mathematics and Mechanics of Solid, (In Press),

3.     M. H. B. M., Shariff, R. Bustamante, J. Merodio, Spectral formulations in nonlinear solids: A brief summary. Mathematics and Mechanics of Solid, (In Press),

4.     R. Bustamante, K.R. Rajagopal, A note on constitutive relationships for viscoelastic bodies with density-dependent material properties. Mechanics of Time-Dependent Materials, (In Press).

5.     R. Bustamante, Approximate determination of shear stresses for a 2D beam made of a non-Green elastic solid. Mathematics and Mechanics of Solids, (In Press),

6.     R. Bustamante, K.R. Rajagopal, A. Wineman, Residual stresses for a new class of transversely isotropic nonlinear elastic solid. Mathematics and Mechanics of Solids, (Accepted).

7.     R. Bustamante, R. Ibarra, K.R. Rajagopal, The response of a sandwich composite beam comprised of a layer of an elastic solid described by an implicit constitutive relation. (In Preparation).

8.     R. Bustamante, P. Arrue, O. Orellana, An iteration method to study nonlinear wave propagation for a non-Green elastic 1D bar. (Submitted).

9.     R. Bustamante, A string theory considering a new class of constitutive relations for elastic bodies. (In Preparation).

10. R. Bustamante, K. R. Rajagopal, Nonlinear implicit magneto-visco-elasticity. (In Preparation).

11. R. Bustamante, Implicit relations for compressible nonlinear elastic solids. (In Preparation).

12. R. Bustamante, J. Gomez, K.R. Rajagopal, A bimodular model for strain limiting. (In Preparation).

Chapters of Books

1.     R. Bustamante, K.R. Rajagopal, A review of implicit constitutive theories to describe the response of elastic bodies. In Constitutive Modelling of Solid Continua, Eds. J. Merodio and R.W. Ogden. Springer International Publishing (2019) 187-230.

Proceedings papers and papers in non-ISI journals

  1. S. Montero, R. Bustamante, A. Ortiz-Bernardin, On the behavior of spherical inclusions in a cylinder under traction considering a new type of constitutive relation for elastic bodies. Ingenius, 19 (2018) 69-78.
  2. R. Bustamante, Numerical modelling of the behaviour of magneto-sensitive elastomers, Books of Abstracts, 2nd International Conference on Material Modelling, Eds. J. Besson and M. Maziere, Paris, France, 31 de August al 2 de September (2011), pp 7
  3. R. Bustamante, A simple constitutive inequality for isotropic magneto-sensitive elastomers, Proceedings of the 7th Euromech Solid Mechanics Conference (Books of Abstracts, Mini-Symposia), Eds. J. A. C. Ambrosio and M. P. T. Silva, Lisbon, Portugal, 7-11 September (2009), pp 463-464
  4. R. Bustamante, A. Dorfmann and R. W. Ogden, On boundary conditions in nonlinear magneto- and electroelasticity, Proceedings of the 5th European Conference on Constitutive Models for Rubber, ECCMR, Eds. A. Boukamel, L. Laiarinandrasana, S. Meo and E. Verron, Paris, France, 4-7 September (2007), pp 339-344
  5. R. Bustamante, A. Dorfmann and R. W. Ogden, A variational formulation for magneto-active elastomers based on a total energy function, PAMM Proceedings of Applied Mathematics and Mechanics, Vol. 7, 1090703-1090704 (2007)/ DOI 10.102/pamm.200700146


  1. R. Bustamante, Ecuaciones constitutivas implícitas y sus subclases en mecanica de solidos. XVIII Jornadas de Mecanica Computacional, Universidad de Chile, Santiago, Chile, October 3-4, 2019.
  2. R. Bustamante, A beam theory considering a new class of constitutive relations for elastic bodies. 6th International Conference on Material Modelling ICMM, Lund, Sweden, June 26-28, 2019.
  3. R. Bustamante, An implicit constitutive relation to model the elastic and inelastic behaviour of rock. 10th European Solid Mechanics Conference, ESMC2018, Bologna, Italy, July 2-6, 2018.
  4. R. Bustamante, Modelacion de esfuerzos residuales en cuerpos elastico considerando un nuevo tipo de ecuacion constitutiva. Congreso Chileno de Ingenieria Mecanica COCIM2017, Universidad de Santiago de Chile, Santiago, Chile, November 22-24, 2017
  5. R. Bustamante, A nonlinear model for the mechanical behaviour of rock. International Conference Modelling of Nonlinear Continua, Castro Urdiales, Spain, June 26-30, 2017.
  6. R. Bustamante, Some topics on some new classes of constitutive relations for elastic bodies, Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of Texas A&M, College Station, Texas, USA, 19th of January 2017.
  7. R. Bustamante, Implicit constitutive relations for thermoelastic bodies. 40th Solid Mechanics Conference, Warsaw, Poland, 28th of August- 2nd September 2016.
  8. R. Bustamante, Constraints for some new classes of constitutive relations for elastic bodies, 9th European Solid Mechanics Conference ESMC 2015, Madrid, Spain, 6-10 July 2015.
  9. R. Bustamante, M.H.B.M. Shariff, New sets of invariants for an electro-elastic body with one and two families of fibres, Encuentro de Elasticidad No-lineal, Homogenizacion y Fractura, Facultad de Matematicas, Pontificia Universidad Catolica de Chile, 24-24 June 2015.
  10. R. Bustamante, Some topics on some new classes of constitutive relations for elastic bodies, XXI Congreso sobre Metodos Numericos y sus Aplicaciones ENIEF 2014, Bariloche, Argentina, 23-26 September 2014.
  11. Ortiz-Bernardin, R. Bustamante, K. R. Rajagopal, Estudio numerico de cuerpos elasticos que estan descritos por ecuaciones constitutivas que exhiben deformaciones limitadas, Jornadas de Mecanica Computacional, Santiago, Chile, 3-4 October 2013.
  12. R. Bustamante, New classes of constitutive relations for electro-elastic materials, International Workshop on New Trends in Solid Mechanics: Coupled Fields and Multi-scale Modelling, Castro Urdiales, Cantabria, Spain, 24-28 June 2013.
  13. R. Bustamante, Implicit constitutive relations for electro-elastic bodies, Chinese-Italian Bilateral Meeting on Mechanics and International Workshop on Mathematical and Mechanical Modelling for Materials, City University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, China 28-31 August 2012
  14. R. Bustamante, K. R. Rajagopal, On a new class of elastic bodies: Some theoretical issues and applications, 8th European Solid Mechanics Conference, Graz, Austria 9-13 July 2012
  15. R. Bustamante, Un nuevo tipo de ecuacion constitutiva para cuerpos elasticos: Desafios para la modelacion numerica, X Jornadas de Mecanica Computacional, Departamento de Ingenieria Estructural, Pontificia Universidad Catolica de Chile, Santiago, 13-14 Octubre 2011.
  16. R. Bustamante, Some topics on a new class of elastic bodies, Perambulation in Continuum Mechanics: A Meeting in Celebration of the 60th Birthday of Professor K. R. Rajagopal, Texas A&M University, College Station, Texas, USA 11-13 November 2010
  17. R. Bustamante and G. Holzapfel, The problem of computing 3D residual stresses distributions in a neo-Hookean tube, Symposium in honor of the contribution of Ray Ogden, the recipient of the Prager Medal, 47th Annual Technical Meeting of the Society of Engineering Science, Iowa State University, Ames, Iowa, USA 4-6 October 2010
  18. R. Bustamante, Mathematical modelling of a new class of elastic bodies, Symposium on Nonlinear Mechanics in Celebration of the 60th Birthday of K. R. Rajagopal, 47th Annual Technical Meeting of the Society of Engineering Science, Iowa State University, Ames, Iowa, USA 4-6 October 2010
  19. R. Bustamante, Finite element modelling of magneto-sensitive elastomers, 9th World Congress on Computational Mechanics and 4th Asian Pacific Congress on Computational Mechanics (WCCM/APCOM 2010), Sydney, Australia 19-23 Julio 2010
  20. R. Bustamante, A variational formulation for a magneto sensitive body interacting with a rigid semi-infinite body, and some restrictions for the total energy function, Kolloquium fur Mechanik, Universitat Erlangen Nunberg, Erlangen, Germany, 19 January 2010
  21. R. Bustamante, R. W. Ogden, Transversely isotropic electro-sensitive rubber-like materials, 3rd Canadian Conference on Nonlinear Solid Mechanics, University of Toronto, Toronto, Ontario, Canada 25-29 Julio 2008
  22. R. Bustamante, A. Dorfmann and R. W. Ogden, A variational formulation for magneto-active elastomers based on the total energy approach, International Conference on Industrial and Applied Mathematics, Federal Institute of Technology, Zurich, Switzerland 16-20 July 2007
  23. R. Bustamante, Transversely isotropic non-linear magneto-sensitive rubber-like materials, Kolloquium fur Mechanik, Technische Universitat Kaiserslautern, Kaiserslautern, Germany, 27 February 2007
  24. R. Bustamante, R. W. Ogden, Some boundary value problems for non-linear transversely isotropic electro-active elastomers, International Symposium on Trends in Applications of Mathematics to Mechanics (STAMM), Vienna University of Technology, Vienna, Austria, 10-14 Julio 2006
  25. R. Bustamante, R. W. Ogden, A numerical model of the electric field for an electro-active rubber like cylinder under traction, British Applied Mathematics Colloquium (BAMC), Keele University, 24-27, United Kingdom, April 2006