M. Ayaz Alam Rol: Gestión Académica, Docencia e Investigación Role: Academic Administration, Teaching and Research | | Departamento de Geología Centro de Excelencia en Geotermia de los Andes (CEGA) Facultad de Ciencias Físicas y Matemáticas Universidad de Chile Plaza Ercilla 803 Santiago 8370450 Chile Tel: (56 9) 57391631 Email: ayaz@ing.uchile.cl / ayaz@cec.uchile.cl | Especialización: Specialization Geotermia, Geoquímica Geotérmica, Hidrogeología, Hidrogeoquímica, Petroquímica, Vulcanología, Petrología Ignea Geothermal Energy, Geothermal Geochemistry, Hydrogeology, Hydrogeochemistry, Petrochemistry, Volcanology, Igneous Petrology Grado Académico: Academic Qualification Doctorado 2008 Indian Institute of Technology Bombay, Mumbai, India Ph.D. 2008 Indian Institute of Technology Bombay, Mumbai, India Grado en Reconocimiento: Degree in Recognition Doctor en Geología 2010 Universidad de Chile, Santiago, Chile Doctor in Geology 2010 Universidad de Chile, Santiago, Chile Título Profesional: Professional Title Geólogo 2010 Universidad de Chile, Santiago, Chile Geologist 2010 Universidad de Chile, Santiago, Chile Investigación: Research Investigación de las manifestaciones geotérmicas a lo largo de la Zona Falla Liquiñe-Ofqui (ZFLO), en la zona volcánica centro-sur de Chile por su naturaleza, geoquímica y la fuente de calor, con el fin de estudiar la interacción de la actividad volcánica y el control estructural, a través de la evaluación de la función de volcanismo, tectónica, exhumación, la interacción agua-roca y otros factores de control en la definición de los sistemas geotérmicos. Study of the nature, geochemistry and heat source of the geothermal manifestations along the Liquiñe-Ofqui Fault Zone (LOFZ) in the south-central volcanic zone of Chile, to understand the interplay of volcanism and structural control, through the assessment of the role of volcanism, tectonics, exhumation, water-rock interaction and other controlling factors in defining the geothermal systems. Estudios del calor subterráneo anómalo mediante los pozos de agua y las fuentes termales en cuenca de Santiago, para identificar las zonas favorables para el uso directo de la energía geotérmica en climatización (HVAC) en la Región Metropolitana de Santiago. Subsurface heat anomaly studies using water wells and surface geothermal manifestations to delineate favorable areas for direct use of geothermal energy for HVAC installations in the Metropolitan Region of Santiago Estudio geoquímico de los sistema geotermales asociados a los volcanes Villarica, Sierra Nevada, Copahue y Antuco-Sierra Velluda en los Regiones de Los Ríos, Araucanía y Biobío, Chile. Study of the geothermal systems associated with the Villarica, Sierra Nevada, Copahue and Antuco-Sierra Velluda volcanoes in the Los Ríos, Araucanía and Bío-Bío Regions of Chile. Cursos Dictados: Courses Taught Geoquímica Geotérmica (Semestre de Otoño), Geotermia (Semestre de Primavera) Geothermal Geochemistry (Autumn Semester), Geothermal Energy (Spring Semester) Supervisión: Supervision - Rol de las distintas fuentes de calor en las aguas termales del área Villarrica-Chihuio, Zona Volcánica Sur, Chile (Mayo 2010) Pablo Sánchez (Título de Geólogo) Co-Guía Role of distinct heat sources on the geothermal manifestations in the Villarrica-Chihuio area of the southern volcanic zone of Chile (May 2010) Pablo Sánchez (Title of Geologist) Co-Guide
- Sistema geotermal asociado al volcán Sierra Nevada: Estudio geoquímico de aguas y gases termales (Completo, Abril 2011) Mauricio Muñoz (Título de Geólogo) Guía Geothermal system associated with the Sierra Nevada volcano: Geochemical study of thermal waters and gases (April 2011) Mauricio Muñoz (Title of Geologist) Guide
- Recursos geotérmicos del sistema volcánico Callaquí-Copahue, Región del Biobío, Chile (Junio 2011) Manuel Olivares (Título de Geólogo) Guía Geothermal resources of the Callaquí-Copahue volcanic system, Bío Bío Region, Chile (Completed, June 2011) Manuel Olivares (Title of Geologist) Guide
- Estudio geoquímico de las fuentes termales asociados al complejo volcánico Antuco-Sierra Velluda, Región del Biobío, Chile (Agosto 2012) Diego García (Título de Geólogo) Guía Geochemical study of the thermal manifestaions associated with the Antuco-Sierra Velluda volcanic complex, Bío Bío Region, Chile (August 2012) Diego García (Title of Geologist) Guide
Colaboración: Collaboration Parte del grupo de la investigación para estudio de los volcanes Barren Island y Narcondam (Mar de Andamán, Océano Índico). Part of the group of researchers studying the Barren Island and Narcondam volcanoes (Andaman Sea, Indian Ocean) Las Publicaciones Más Recientes: Most Recent Publications * Best Presentation Award for the work presentaed at the 34th Annual Meeting of Geothermal Resources Council (GRC) at Sacramento, California, USA (October 24-27, 2010). [Citation: PDF]
Peer Reviewed - Alam, M.A., Parada, M.A., 2016. A note on "Origin of Components in Chilean Thermal Waters" by Risacher et al. (2011). Journal of South American Earth Sciences 69, 259-261. DOI: 10.1016/j.jsames.2013.09.013 [PDF]
- Muñoz, M., Alam, M.A. Parada, M.A., Lahsen, A., 2011. Geothermal system associated with the Sierra Nevada Volcano, Araucanía Region, Chile. Geothermal Resources Council Transactions 35, 935-941. ISSN 0193-5933 [GRC Geothermal Library] [PDF]
- Alam, M.A., Sánchez, P., Parada, M.A., 2010. Geochemical processes camouflaging original signatures in the thermal waters of south-central Chile. In: Birkle, P., Torres-Alvarado, I.S. (Eds.), Water-Rock Interaction, Proceedings of the 13th International Symposium on Water-Rock Interaction WRI-13, Guanajuato, Mexico, 16-20 August 2010, CRC Press, Taylor & Francis Group, London, pp. 125-128. Print ISBN 978-0-415-60426-0 eBook ISBN: 978-1-4398-6299-5 DOI: 10.1201/b10556-4 [PDF]
- Alam, M.A., Sánchez, P., Parada, M.A., 2010. Interplay of volcanism and structural control in defining the geothermal system(s) along the Liquiñe-Ofqui Fault Zone, in the south-central Chile. Geothermal Resources Council (GRC) Transactions 34, 747-750. ISSN 0193-5933 [GRC Geothermal Library] [PDF]
- Alam, M.A., Chandrasekharam, D., 2010. Comment on "Thermoluminescence and optically stimulated luminescence signals from volcanic ash: History of volcanism in Barren Island, Andaman Sea" by D. Banerjee (Quaternary Geochronology). Quaternary Geochronology 5(2-3), 283-284. DOI: 10.1016/j.quageo.2009.04.006 [PDF]
- Chandrasekharam, D., Santo, A.P., Capaccioni, B., Vaselli, O., Alam, M.A., Manetti, P., Tassi, F., 2009. Volcanological and petrological evolution of Barren Island (Andaman Sea, Indian Ocean). Journal of Asian Earth Sciences 35(5), 469-487. DOI: 10.1016/j.jseaes.2009.02.010 [PDF]
Abstracts / Extended Abstracts - Alam, M.A., Parada, M.A., Lahsen, A., 2011. Delineation of the high enthalpy reservoirs of the Sierra Nevada Volcanic Geothermal System, south-central Chile. AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco, California, USA, December 5-9, 2011, Paper Number: IN33C-1483. [Link]
- Sánchez, P., Alam, M.A., Parada, M.A., 2011. Origen de las fuentes termales en la Zona de Falla Liquiñe-Ofqui (39-45°S), zona volcánica sur, Chile. XVIII Congreso Geológico Argentino, Neuquén Argentina, May 2-6, 2011, S10a.
- Alam, M.A., 2010. Towards developing systematics for using periodic studies of the hydrothermal manifestations as effective tool for monitoring largely 'inaccessible' volcanoes. AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco, California, USA, December 13-17, 2010, Paper Number: NH13C-08. [Link]
- Sánchez, P., Alam, M.A., Parada, M.A., Lahsen, A., 2010. An assessment of the tectonic control in defining the geothermal system(s) of the southern Chilean Andes. AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco, California, USA, December 13-17, 2010, Paper Number: H33D-1173. [Link]
- Alam, M.A., Sánchez, P., Parada, M.A., Lahsen, A., 2010. Role of structural control in defining the geothermal system(s) in south-central Chile. GSA Annual Meeting, Denver, USA, October 31 - November 3, 2010, Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs 42(5), 148. [Link]
- Alam, M.A., Chandrasekharam, D., 2009. Presence of a shallow magma chamber at the Barren Island volcano, Andaman Sea: Evidence from glass shards, GSA Annual Meeting, Portland, USA, October 18-21, 2009, Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs 41(7), 709. [Link]
- Alam, M.A., Chandrasekharam, D., Vaselli, O., Capaccioni, B., Manetti, P., Santo, A.P., Tassi, F., 2009. Importance of the Barren Island volcano (Andaman Sea, NE Indian Ocean. in the Indonesian Volcanic Arc study, GSA Annual Meeting, Portland, USA, October 18-21, 2009, Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs 41(7), 646. [Link]
- Alam, M.A., Chandrasekharam, D., Vaselli, O., Capaccioni, B., Manetti, P., Santo, A.P., Tassi, F., 2009. Evidence of passive degassing through open volcanic system for Barren Island volcano (Andaman Sea, NE Indian Ocean) from fumarolic gas composition, GSA Annual Meeting, Portland, USA, October 18-21, 2009, Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs 41(7), 483. [Link]
- Alam, M.A., Chandrasekharam, D., Vaselli, O., Capaccioni, B., Manetti, P., Santo, A.P., Tassi, F., 2009. Barren Island (Andaman Sea, NE Indian Ocean) volcanics: an important reference for the Indonesian Volcanic Arc, XII Congreso Geológico Chileno, Santiago, Chile, November 22-26, 2009, S8_002. [Link] [PDF]
- Sánchez, P., Alam, M.A., 2009. Rol de las distintas fuentes de calor en las aguas termales del área Villarrica-Chihuio, sur de Chile, XII Congreso Geológico Chileno, Santiago, November 22-26, 2009, S6_012. [Link] [PDF]
Afiliaciones: Memberships - The Geological ociety of London (Elected Fellow)
- American Geophysical Union (AGU)
- Geochemical Society
- Geochemical Society of Japan
- Geological Society of America (GSA)
- Geothermal Resources Council (GRC)
- International Association of GeoChemistry (IAGC)
- International Association of Volcanology and Chemistry of Earth’s Interior (IAVCEI)
- International Geothermal Association (IGA)
- Sociedad Geológica de Chile (Geological Society of Chile)
- Society of Exploration Geophysicists (SEG)
- The Society of Earth Scientists (Fellow)
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